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You heard it here first

A while back, discussing how movies these days basically suck, I wrote:

Find the most complex, attention getting conspiracy theory and make a movie out of it. Seriously, New World Order, black helicopters, John Titor, Scientology, pick one. Sure, they’re so far-fetched but, dammit, they’re entertaining. Is it sad that I’d rather read the ramblings of crazy people and scam artists than go to a damn movie.

Well, guess what. Looks like there will be one (link on left side). Not sure if it’s going to be a big Hollywood production (looks independent – meaning low budget – to me). Still, good idea.

3 Responses to “You heard it here first”

  1. ben Says:

    Did you see Serenity? Did you see Firefly?

    My wife and I got sucked into Firefly, it was almost addictive. Best new thing I’ve seen in a while. Kevin over at smallestminority loved it too.

  2. #9 Says:

    I am up for a John Titor movie.

  3. cube Says:

    jon titor move, woot!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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