More gun strategy
Fûz at Weck Up To Thees (who I thought had stopped blogging) expands on some pro-gun strategery:
It will readily become clear to the gun rights activist that he or she ought to be fighting for other rights anyway, because the infringement of those other rights makes gun control that much easier—standing the old bromide “the Second Amendment is the right that guarantees the rest” on its head.
There’s a lot there, go read it. Now, I know some readers here are absolutists and talk like it’s their way or the highway. Well, that’s not gonna convert anyone. Sorry, that’s the truth. As I said before:
I am somewhat of an absolutist but, as a matter of policy, it’s not the best means to an ends. So, I guess I’m an incremental absolutist, meaning I’ll take the smaller victories with a goal toward said absolutism.
So, don’t go giving your pro-gun buddies an unnecessary amount of shit. They may agree with you. Their ends could be the same but their means are different. And those means are more effective.
September 19th, 2006 at 11:31 pm
I’d say “tacatics” or “tactology” rather than “strategery.” Means to the end rather than choice of end state.
thanks for the link.