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A 3rd amendment case

We clearly need a Third Amendment Foundation.

3 Responses to “A 3rd amendment case”

  1. Jeff Powell Says:

    They didn’t kill the dog? That is surprising…

  2. MrSatyre Says:

    Police aren’t soldiers. They’re civilians who abused the law and constitution they’re sworn to protect. Probably won’t win that case any more than he would had it been an eminent domain case.

    Also, the more I think about, how did using a SWAT team to break into one house make them less likely to be observed by the house they wanted to watch in the first place?

    Bad guy 1: “Hey, lookit all those cop cars and SWAT vans next door/across the street/over there.”

    Bad guy 2: “That can’t be good. Maybe we should get outta here.”

  3. Bill Says:

    If it looks like a duck, shoots like a duck, and breaks my door in, sits on my furniture, and eats my food while enjoying the A/C like a duck, then it is a duck.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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