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Best Chicken Ever

Take one whole chicken (3-5 pounds), one can of beer, and your choice of spices (I like garlic, cumin, diced cayenne pepper, fresh rosemary, salt, and freshly ground pepper).

Step 1: Drink one quarter of the beer (important later).

Step 2: Use an old style can opener to poke holes in the top of the can.

Step 3: Put spices into can (if you did not drink the quarter of beer mentioned above, you will now have beer foaming all over your cooking area).

Step 4: Remove innards from chicken and insert beer can top up (i.e., open part towards where the chicken’s head used to be) into the opening of chicken.

Step 5: Place chicken on grill with the top of the can facing up. Use the the can and the chicken’s legs to make a little tripod for balance (I recommend you have the fire going on one side of the grill and your chicken on the other side so it cooks slow). If you do this correctly, it looks like the chicken is standing on the grill.

Step 6: Wait 2 hours and eat.

The beer and spices slowly boil over and season the chicken.


6 Responses to “Best Chicken Ever”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Beer Butt Chicken, eh? I’ve seen a few recipes for this flying around. My worry has always been that the cooking/stewing process would somehow damage the protective coating on the aluminum. But if enough people like the flavor, apparently it can’t be transferring too much metallic flavor to the chicken.

    If you turn this into a recipe weblog, I’ll have to post my Mom’s “famous” recipe for BBQ kielbasa.

  2. the mullet Says:

    do ya gotta “turn” the bird at all?
    if not, does the skin get all crispy and such when using the indirect heat method?

    gots a whole bird in freezer, and wants to use the grill a little while longer before the snow comes….

  3. SayUncle Says:

    You use the indirect method to keep the aluminum from getting melted. No need to turn the bird.

    And the skin is real crispy. And this blog has more recipes in the notes to self section.

  4. Buck Hicks Says:

    I had to read the ingreadiants twice. The item right after garlic threw me for a loop for a second there. It’s a spice, eh?

  5. Stevie Says:

    Hi…this has nothing to do with chicken (altho your recipe sounds good). Just wanted to let you know I blogrolled you and left you a comment on your Sept. 3rd post about your Pusser stick.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Wow! I’m a google first for buford pusser axe handle. Cool!

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