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Well, hello!

At work, I’m in the middle of one of those phases where each task is just as irritating as the next, and every time the phone rings or email beeps it gets worse. So what do I do about it? Hook up with Mr. Uncle & Co. to join in the blogging. Apparently blogging is preferable to working.

So this is my first post and I’ll keep it brisk. I consider this my “Hello World” post. To Mr. Uncle, thanks for having me! To his readers, I’ll try not to scare any of you off. And I’ll try to refrain from posting links to John Edwards fixing his hair.

5 Responses to “Well, hello!”

  1. SayUncle : I wanna publish ‘zines, and rage against machines Says:

    […]” target=”_self”>

    October 20, 2004

    « Previous Post | Main |

    I wanna publish […]

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Welcome, mx5. I look forward to many peaceful disagreements. 🙂

  3. Manish Says:


  4. bjbarron Says:

    < ?> guns…whatcha’ got, whatcha’ think, whatcha’ want

    Oh, and you have your work cut out for you to keep up with Unkie.

  5. Thibodeaux Says:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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