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Dog psychologist

Believe it or not, I know a little bit about dogs. It’s true. I used to train police dogs when I was a teenager. But the Mrs. needs a second opinion, apparently. Lately, Politically Incorrect Dog has gotten older, we’re experiencing the changing of the guard wherein PID is asserting his dominance over Politically Correct Dog. Out with the old and all that.

There have been a few tussles between the two and, given the types of dogs I have, the result is predictable. A couple of weeks ago we had to take PCD to the vet because PID had torn the muscle in PCD’s leg. These fights have a few common characteristics, the primary one being that they don’t occur when I’m around. See, I am the alpha dog. All is calm and kosher because I rule the roost. However, the Mrs. often mistakes certain dominance displays as affection, such as when PCD comes and parks his ass on her without permission or when he hops up on the couch without permission. And staring at her which she interprets as looking lovingly into her eyes. And nudging her when he wants affection. Another factor is food. PCD is a chow hound. He’ll do just about anything for a treat. PCD, who has realized mostly that he’s no longer the dominant dog, tends to assert himself when food is in play.

My solution, no more treats unless they’re separated. Not allowed on furniture. Immediate corrections for nudging or sitting in laps without permission. Because, and this gets back to PCD’s growing up getting affection that way, this is interpreted by PID as a dominance display. As such, once PCD displays these behaviors, PID begins staring at PCD. Any flinch, and it’s on.

Now, don’t misunderstand me to be saying this is PCD’s fault. It’s got more to do with PID and his dominant nature. He has a tendency to be direct to both animals and people who do not (or in the case of some dogs can not) assert dominance. In other words, he (being a dog) is stating If you don’t assert your dominance, I’ll assert mine. He does this in generally non-aggressive ways, such as he follows them around, attempts to get them to play, takes food and treats, etc.

As a result of this, we pondered getting rid of one of the dogs out of fear that PID would seriously hurt PCD. We opted not to because I can’t be without PID and the Mrs. can’t part with PCD. It’s true, we each have our own dog and even the dogs seem to realize it. So, today, we’re going to a Dog Psychologist. Seriously. Actually, this person is a vet neurologist and behaviorist. I have a feeling this person will basically offer as a solution what I already know. I hope, at least, she convinced the Mrs.

8 Responses to “Dog psychologist”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Heh, sounds like you are describing my Arab neighbors….

  2. cube Says:

    I would love to know the results. of the trip and the cost if you are willing to share.

    The good thing is that you know enough to call bull crap if the behaviorist starts talking crazy.

  3. cube Says:

    One thing I have heard, that might help you wife assert dominance over both dogs. Make them sit for anything and everything. If you wife can rise in the pack, they might not fight as much. Though even though the top two positions are picked the lower rungs have to be fought out.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Cost $300. Feh.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    Fortunately, my wife is even more likely than I am to lay into the dogs if they act up. They fear us both equally, which is a good thing. Although we still probably allow them to get away with too much.

    Our current problem is that Dog #2 is going through a headstrong phase, and we’re having to do frequent corrections. Also, Dog #2 has decided to try to but in any time Dog #1 is receiving affection, causing Dog #1 to snarl a bit. So we’ve been having to correct Dog #2 a lot there, too.

  6. SayUncle » Dog behaviorist follow up Says:

    […] I posted the follow up to my Dog Psychologist predictions over at No Silence Here. […]

  7. SayUncle » Dog psychologist part 2 Says:

    […] I have been having some inter-dog aggression issues among my politically incorrect dog and my politically correct dog. As a result, we decided to take PCD to the doggie psychologist. I made my predictions about what I thought they would say here. I was largely correct but it was good for my recommendations to be affirmed by a professional. […]

  8. SayUncle » The Toothless Dog Says Wooth Says:

    […] I mentioned our inter-dog aggression problems in the past (here and here). What I haven’t told you is we got rid of Politically Correct Dog (PCD). We still have Politically Incorrect Dog (PID). It’s not as bad as it sounds. A while back, the in-laws’ lost their dog due to health problems. They asked if they could borrow PCD for a week or so to help scare off squirrels in their bird feeder and because they’ve always liked PCD. Also, they’d been looking for another dog and hadn’t had much luck. Basically, he went there and never really came back. No big deal, really. He was just 3 miles up the street and we knew he was taken care of. […]

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