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More on the Patriot Act

GOA reports:

At issue for gun owners is a provision that would allow the FBI to obtain “firearms sales records.” The bill extends Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act and allows agents of the federal government to get “firearms sales records” which, in their opinion, are relevant to investigating terrorism.

These records would be obtained from gun dealers, who are required by law to keep the gun purchase records (4473 forms). Thus, an anti-gun administration could then easily compile gun owner registration lists — an enterprise which has often been a prelude to gun confiscation.

This was a couple of days ago when the Patriot Act couldn’t withstand the filibuster. Since the Senate approved it via a complete lack of balls from an opposition party, I wonder if this provision was attached. Between this and the anti-meth stuff, mission creep is outweighing the positives of the act.

2 Responses to “More on the Patriot Act”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:


    We all thought that the Patriot Act was ding dong dead. So while we were all looking elsewhere, busy with our holiday plans, this shit happens. I’ll bet the anti-gun stuff is permanent too.

    Why is it always anti-gun shit snuck in, and never pro-gun shit?

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    From the above link:

    All of the above became law by being buried in larger bills. In many cases, they were what my friend, gun-rights activist Charles Curley, calls “Pearl Harbor Legislation” — sneak attacks upon individual liberty that were neither debated on the floor of Congress nor reported in the media.

    For instance, three of the most horrific items (the health care database, asset confiscation for foreign residency and the 100 pages of health care crimes) were hidden in the Kennedy-Kassebaum Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (House version: HR 3103). You didn’t hear about them at the time because the media was too busy celebrating this “moderate, compromise” bill that “simply” ensured that no American would ever lose insurance coverage due to a job change or a pre-existing condition….”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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