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My second text message

I mentioned my first text message here. Last night at the local poker tourney, I got my second (and third through eighth). It was from someone named [redacted]. She wanted to know if we could meet later. She said we met at the ambp (I dunno if that’s text messaging shorthand for something). I tried to be nice and tell her that we’d never met and she had the wrong number. She kept telling me I was wrong and asked what my problem was. I finally just had to stop replying. I may have just ruined some young couple’s relationship.

The funny part is that I’m keeping everyone at the poker table abreast of the situation for laughs. And, finally, one player (a charming older lady) says: I’d stop responding. It’s probably Stone Phillips from To Catch A Predator.

4 Responses to “My second text message”

  1. Harry L Says:

    I have been waiting to get a wrong text message like that . I have my response
    all set. Did you ever see the movie “Ruthless People”? In it, Danny Devito is at his desk and he gets a wrong number asking for a woman. He says “She can’t talk now, she’s too busy under my desk $%&*#%&-ing me!!” After he hangs up he says, “Boy do I love wrong numbers”

  2. nk Says:

    “She said we met at the ambp (I dunno if that’s text messaging shorthand for something).”

    The Association of Manitoba Book Publishers?

  3. Josh Says:

    That’s strange. That almost exactly mirrors something that happened to one of my poker buddies this past week, except he kept getting urgent messages like “Where are you?” “I’m still waiting!” and “Dude, are you going to show up.” Finally, 10 minutes of hilarity ensued when we called the number to talk to whoever the half-baked individual was and finally explained that it was a wrong number, after talking him thru a fake DUI stop and having his “ride” get impounded.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Maybe I oughta go buy one of those short 12 ga., double-barreled coach shotguns I’ve been eyeing. My excuse is a handy and simple firearm for my wife to reach for should uninvited guests show up and try to impose an entry while I’m not there to deter them with my “evil black rifle” (Russian AK), Mossberg 12 ga. pump or .357 mag revolver that she’s afraid to shoot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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