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Reasoned Discoursetm in Astroturf

You notice how the Joyce Foundation Funded astroturf blogs never have comments nor do they want any input? That same lesson The Brady Camp learned? Turns out, they don’t want feedback in real life either:

Preventing gun crimes will be the focus of a summit Monday that is expected to draw dozens of police officers and civic leaders from around the state to Seattle.

Mayor Greg Nickels, along with Harborview Medical Center’s Injury and Research Prevention Center, is hosting the conference in an effort to draw up better strategies to reduce violent crime and stop criminals from obtaining firearms.

It’s expected to draw about 150 people, including police, prosecutors, church leaders and school officials. During the one-day conference at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center, they’ll hear from experts who will share how efforts elsewhere have worked.

Great. Let’s have that chat. Oh, wait:

Gun rights advocates were deliberately not invited to this event, which is “Invitation Only.”

The attendees list is a veritable cornucopia of astroturf:

The Joyce Foundation, a Chicago-based non-profit that advocates for more restrictive gun-control laws, provided grant money to pay for the conference.

Other speakers include: Garen Wintemute, a professor of emergency medicine at the University of California-Davis; Police Chief Scott Knight of Chaska, Minn., who is chairman of the International Association of Chiefs of Police firearms committee; and Nina Vinik, legal director for the Legal Community Against Violence.

I think that’s the first time so much astroturf was seen outside a stadium.

3 Responses to “Reasoned Discoursetm in Astroturf”

  1. Chas Says:

    “…better strategies to reduce violent crime and stop criminals from obtaining firearms.”

    When violent criminals are locked up they cannot prey on society because they cannot physically get to it. On the other hand, any criminal who is not locked up and wants a gun can get one, and then do as he pleases with it.
    How is it that we need a “better strategy” when we have one that is 100% effective whenever it is used, and 100% ineffective whenever it is not used?
    Oh, I forgot, it’s not about crime or criminals at all, it’s all about contriving excuses to disarm law-abiding citizens.

  2. Cactus Jack Says:

    “they’ll hear from experts who will share how efforts elsewhere have worked.”

    What “efforts elsewhere” are these? And who’re these “experts” and what makes them so?

    “The Joyce Foundation, a Chicago-based non-profit that advocates for more restrictive gun-control laws, provided grant money to pay for the conference.”

    Now the Joyce Foundation is “granting” money for this, that, and the other, groups that’re anti-second ammendment and is a “non-profit” organization right? So where are the getting the cash? It seems to me like they must be “profiting” somewhere if they can shell out $$$$ to anti-second ammendment groups.

    “Gun rights advocates were deliberately not invited to this event, which is “Invitation Only.”

    Hell, cant have anyone around who can ruin the atmosphere with those nasty FACTS now can we? Reasoned discourse at it’s finest!

  3. _Jon Says:

    If they are holding it in a public building (I dunno where it is being held), using public funding, (I dunno who is paying for it), wouldn’t it have to be ‘open’?

    I mean, if I held a meeting to discuss things in a school, but only allowed white people, wouldn’t that be illegal?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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