A couple of local political notes
There’s a pretty ugly local election for judge in my county. Apparently, the local papers have been pretty incompetent on the issue. Incompetent is one word. Partisan hacks would be another. But I digress.
Also, we have the battle of the douchebags. See, we got us a state senate race going on. The incumbent is Ramond Finney. Despite his tendency to be a bit embarrassing, he’s mostly harmless. And Finney does have the NRA endorsement.
His opponent is Doug Overbey, whose cheesy mug you see all over the city, my the city. Overbey is running on a conservative leadership platform and pointing out that he’s a lifelong Republican, 100% pro-life, and all second amendment rights.
Unfortunately, Doug Overbey lost all credibility on two of those claims when he crossed party lines to vote for Jimmy Naifeh as speaker of the house. Jimmy Naifeh, you’ll recall, is our lying speaker of the house who keeps abusing his power to kill pro-gun bills.
I’ll be voting Finney.
July 24th, 2008 at 3:06 pm
This is one where you almost want to vote for “none of the above.” Finney let us get screwed on the school funding formula. Overbay helped screw us (by voting for his Naifehness) on gun issues.
July 24th, 2008 at 10:34 pm
if finney had voted nay on thhe school bill it would have been 30-3 instead of the 31-2 it was. it was going to be passed, period. I still say voting for naifeh, though, is an unpardonable sin.