MI Library Update
Friday, May 27th, 2011Judge rules MI library no gun policy is legal. I guess no more carrying shotguns there.
Judge rules MI library no gun policy is legal. I guess no more carrying shotguns there.
Judge rules the restraining order stands and expands it: Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie Aquilina today broadened an original restraining order that stated members of Michigan Open Carry or associated people were barred from openly toting firearms on the library’s grounds. Seems weak to me. Does MOC have a membership base other than whoever […]
Seems a judge ruled against the libraries and you can tote your heater while getting your read on. I wonder if the activists from Michigan Open Carry included the guy who decided to carry a shotgun in the lieberry.
Consequence for carrying shotguns into libraries. Update: Dear folks coming here from this OpenCarry thread, I cannot comment there, so I will here. Police your own. Carrying a shotgun into a library is not going to win hearts and minds. It’s going to turn people away. This bill is going to draw more attention to […]
Mind your manners. And don’t be a dick. Seriously, you have to win hearts and minds. And taking your shotgun to the local library because you can is not the way you do that.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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