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Hopefully, my final word on the Swift Boat Vets

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004

It seems one of the SBVs who said Kerry wasn’t in Cambodia admitted to Nixon (in 1971) to himself being in Cambodia, on a swift boat: O’NEILL: I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border on the water. NIXON: In a swift boat? O’NEILL: Yes, sir. Oh dear. To be clear, I think […]

Swift Boat Vet Update

Friday, August 20th, 2004

Thurlow has announced he will sign the 180. Meanwhile, Kerry still not expected to do a 180. As Patterico says: The ball’s in John Kerry’s court. Meanwhile, Thurlow is stating that the paperwork the WaPo got hold of (which Thurlow called fraudulent) was based on John Kerry’s report from 35 years ago.

More Swift Boat Vets stuff

Thursday, August 19th, 2004

New information contradicts one of the Swift Boat Vet’s claims. He has said there was no gunfire. However, the paperwork states there was constant gunfire. Funny how the WaPo got right on that and, to my knowledge, hasn’t mentioned the Cambodia thing. Oh, that liberal media.

Forget the Swift Boat Vets

Friday, August 6th, 2004

The Alabama Mail Room Veterans are coming out for Bush! Heh.

Kerry and the Swift Boat Vets

Thursday, August 5th, 2004

By now, you have no doubt heard of the allegations that Kerry shot some kid in the back, lied to get medals, etc., etc. I suppose the allegations are possible. However, this stuff sounded crazy or made up from the onset to me, rather like the allegations from some folks that Clinton had some number […]

I love it

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

It’s amusing watching the Democrats come undone during the primary. It will only get more amusing. Heck, they’re even rehashing some of the old school Republican criticisms of one another. Did you know that Hillary is really the one winning? I mean, if you have stupid colored glasses. I, personally, would love to see the […]

I lied

Thursday, August 26th, 2004

Here, I said it would hopefully be my final word on the Swift Boat Vets. That’s not the case. It turns out O’Neill was part of the 1970 Cambodia incursion. Nothing to see here, keep moving. And take this SayUncle quiz: 1 – Have you ever spent Christmas away from home? If yes, go to […]

Kerry on The Daily Show

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004

Stewart, who may as well have kissed Kerry, didn’t just throw Kerry softballs. Stewart did, however, ask questions designed to allow Kerry to rebut the claims of his critics (Were you actually in Vietnam? Have you ever flip-flopped?). And Kerry didn’t. He could have addressed the Swift Boat Vets but didn’t. Could have said that […]

Ain’t that a bitch

Monday, August 23rd, 2004

Today, George W. Bush expressed regret for signing The Incumbent Protection Act err Campaign Finance Reform into law. No, I kid. He actually denounced the Swift Boat Vets’ ad. No, I kid. What he actually did was point out that Kerry should be proud of his Vietnam service and then he railed against political advertisements […]

Oh, that liberal media

Thursday, August 19th, 2004

The WaPo filed an independent request for records about one of the Swift Boat Vets under the Freedom of Information Act. But they can’t do the same for the guy who’s running for president?

Good for Kerry

Wednesday, August 18th, 2004

Unlike the media, Kerry is addressing the allegations of the Swift Boat Vets: Senator John F. Kerry is disputing an allegation made by a group of veterans opposed to his presidential candidacy that he never operated inside Cambodia during the Vietnam War. In a just-published book, “Unfit for Command,” the veterans said that “Kerry was […]

I like my humor fair and balanced too

Tuesday, August 10th, 2004

Or at least humorous. First and foremost, I love The Daily Show. It’s hysterical. I TiVo it every night. Stewart is funny and he picks on both sides (though he picks on Republicans more). Last night during the 4 in the morning feeding of the baby, I watched The Daily Show on TiVo. Now, my […]

Bush and Kerry together to suppress speech?

Friday, August 6th, 2004

The point of this article is that Bush has distanced himself from the ad by the Swift Boat Vets: The White House yesterday distanced itself from a political ad that questions John Kerry’s Vietnam service … So far, so good but: …and called on the Democratic presidential nominee to join President Bush in demanding an […]

Return of a fraud

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

So, Bellesiles has a new book out on violence and unicorns. It may as well be about unicorns since his last notable work was fantasy. But what’s striking is the treatment his utter fraud is getting. You see, he lied about data that didn’t exist to put forth the notion that some political ideology is […]

Random babbling about politics

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Or why I’m buying a bottle of Scotch tonight Our next president will be either Obama, Hillary, Romney or McCain. Three democrats and one maverick, and by maverick I mean self-serving prick. God help us all. The least offensive is McCain and he’s an authoritarian megalomaniac. I cannot completely rule out Huckabee, I suppose, since […]

Phil him up

Friday, December 16th, 2005

R. Neal looks at Gov. Phil Bredesen’s woes. It’s a good read detailing his reaction to things. R. thinks he may overreact but I guess that beats the alternative of not doing anything.

And mark it

Friday, August 13th, 2004

At three days, I see the first mainstream media outlet cover the Kerry in Cambodia flop. However, it’s an opinion piece. And it’s assuming the AJC is mainstream media: Kerry claimed in a March 27, 1986, speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate that he vividly remembered Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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