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Gun Links

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

I don’t feel like doing a bunch of posts. So, here’s some stuff: Review of he Kel-Tec SU16 Ohio Governor to veto preemption bill. The Brady’s now will push for restricting sales of military style weapons and the ammunition that’s used in those weapons. Well, let’s see, transfer of military style weapons to citizens has […]

What media bias against guns?

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

MARGARET WENTE: The other day, on a quiet suburban Toronto street, someone hacked a man to death with a machete. It’s possible you missed the story, because it got barely a mention in the local media. Machetes are not top of mind with the public. Nobody is demanding stricter controls on machete sales. On the […]

Another gun bill & the barrel ban

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

At Subguns on HR 5005: Firearms Corrections and Improvements Act – Amends firearms provisions of the federal criminal code to: (1) lift restrictions on the possession, transfer, and importation of machineguns, and certain other shotguns and rifles, for contractors providing national security services for the United States and training related to such services, and for:*** […]

2008 and guns

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

Jeff: John McCain’s views on the 2nd Amendment are poison to me. I will not vote for him. Same goes for Rudy Giuliani. Same goes for Hillary Clinton. I hold no allegience (sic) to any political party. I will vote for whomever has worked the hardest — proven by their history of voting — to […]

So what happens to the guns?

Tuesday, July 11th, 2006

The Lowell Sun: Massachusetts may have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, but the state is woefully inept at keeping track of the whereabouts of guns seized by local police departments. An expose in The Sunday Sun (July 2) revealed that thousands of guns confiscated from individuals facing domestic-abuse violations wind up […]

More guns not causing more gun crime

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

Gun sales are up but gun crime drops: Gun crimes, suicides and firearms-related accidents declined last year at the same time that firearm and ammunition sales climbed, according to data from the US Treasury Department released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). While this revelation tends to debunk long-standing claims by gun control proponents […]

Tennessee Senatorial Candidates On Guns

Monday, July 3rd, 2006

There’s a big Senate race to replace Bill Frist in my state. So, here’s what I found on the candidates with respect to the gun issue: Ed Bryant says on his website: I support the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. As U.S. Attorney for West […]

More liberals and guns

Monday, June 19th, 2006

Via top, comes this: My fellow liberals, arguing for gun control, say that the amendment only relates to citizens in an organized militia. The wording is unclear, but I can’t get past this: the bill of rights generally is about the rights that belong to individual citizens. I don’t know exactly what the founders where […]

More on colored guns

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

According to this piece at ABC News by LESLIE YERANSIAN, Bloomberg is targeting colored gun kits as made by Lauer Weaponry. Bloomberg is targeting one of the more popular brands of quality products and these paint jobs are expensive. The paint is cheap, if you do it yourself but it requires knowing what you’re doing. […]

Bloomberg V. Guns

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard details of Michael Bloomberg and the city of New York hiring private investigators to conduct a sting on out of state gun dealers that are the source of crime guns in New York. USA Today had the story first: Wearing hidden cameras, the investigators entered stores in teams of […]

Women and guns

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

Business week has a piece on how gun makers are trying to appeal to womenfolk: Manufacturers are tweaking their products and changing how they approach the burgeoning female market, which is estimated to be worth at least $285 million this year in firearm sales alone. Gunmakers will display their new wares Friday through Sunday in […]

Gun Show Stuff

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

In the comments, Tom of LeanLeft says this about gun shows: I’ve long argued that gun rights activists ought to concede this one [background checks at gun shows – ed], since they lose virtually nothing as a result, and would be able to point to it as evidence that they are, in fact, willing to […]

Anti-gunners on ATF hearings

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

Michael Silence emails a presser from Coalition to Stop Gun Ownership err Violence on the recent ATF hearings: These hearings were supposed to get to the bottom of claims that BATFE agents and local police violated the civil rights of law-abiding gun purchasers, particularly at a series of gun shows in Richmond, Virginia, over the […]

Woman buying gun = presumed guilty

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

Bitter notes: Bob Ricker, the main employee of American Hunters and Shooters Association, was at a conference recently arguing that every young female who purchases guns legally should raise a red flag as being a criminal subject to federal prosecution and 10 years in prison. That exact reason (and racism, apparently) is why the ATF […]

Interesting times for gunnies

Monday, March 6th, 2006

Looks like Armalite is getting into the handgun business.

TN Gun laws in the works

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

The TFA has a list of gun laws that have been introduced in Tennessee. Some that leap out at me: Lots of free stuff for veterans. Not sure what this is about: CRIMINAL LAW: Sale and purchase of firearms. Removes provision requiring licensed gun dealer to conduct a background check on person purchasing a firearm […]

Gun control works

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006

At increasing gun sales: GUN ownership is on the rise in Queensland with evidence the tough restrictions introduced after the Port Arthur massacre nearly a decade ago are losing their effectiveness. Despite bans on certain types of weapons and a successful buyback and amnesty, police figures show there are more firearms in the community now […]

More on the ATF at VA gun shows

Saturday, February 18th, 2006

CNSnews has a lot more. Read it all and be amazed. Some tidbits: Agents of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), allegedly acting without warrants or legislative authority to do so, seized firearms from at least 50 gun show patrons in Virginia according to congressional testimony and an agency document made […]

More on the ATF at VA gun shows

Friday, February 17th, 2006

First, kudos to the TimesDispatch for being the first media outlet I’ve seen actually run the story. But a wag of the finger to them for putting all the allegedly illegal actions of the ATF at the bottom of the story without mentioning that it was, you know, potentially illegal. Some snippets: The organizer of […]

Gun laws and capitalisim

Thursday, February 9th, 2006

Speaking of Illinois, in order to attract Cabela’s to their area, Hoffman Estates is getting rid of an unnecessary gun law: In an unusual rollback of gun regulations to attract a national outdoors store, Hoffman Estates trustees this week voted unanimously to repeal requirements that all firearms sales be checked by local police. On Monday […]

Guns for sale

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

djuggler emails a link to this: Cinema-goers around the country will be shocked this week by a new advertisement offering AK47 machine-guns for sale among the ads for cars and soft drinks. They will see presenters talking up the firepower and reliability of the AK47, as a young boy demonstrates how the gun is so […]

Bloomberg wants to export gun control

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

The NY Daily News notes that Bloomberg is planning take his crusade against guns national: Once content to rule the city, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday vowed for the first time to go national – with an all-out effort to crack down on illegal gun sales. With the shooting deaths of two NYPD cops still weighing on […]

Gun show scare

Monday, December 19th, 2005

The Roanoke Times: Behind a table bearing shotguns and revolvers, and next to a hand-written sign that read “Private Sale; No Paperwork!,” Mike Smith sat waiting for business. Smith’s gun sale was private in one sense. But it was held in a very public place — the Salem Civic Center, where hundreds of gun lovers […]

Administrative war on guns

Monday, October 24th, 2005

David Codrea notes: While Nevadans without such permits have to pay $25 to have an FBI criminal background check run each time they purchase a firearm, serious gun owners and shooters were told that as a fringe benefit of acquiring the concealed carry permit we’d be allowed to buy firearms without undergoing (and paying for) […]

More guns

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

Another report notes that post-Katrina gun sales are on the rise: All the attention focused on home protection after hurricanes Katrina and Rita has increased sales of guns, earthquake insurance and home alarm systems locally. People are looking for ways to protect themselves in the event of a disaster in the Victor Valley. Lock Stock […]

Gun shop blog

Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

Local gun shop Coal Creek Armory has a blog that lists some of the sales they’re having. One such deal, a SWD M-11 in 9mm w/3 mags for $3,200. Oh, and it’s a machine gun!

The War On Gun Shows

Wednesday, September 21st, 2005

NY’s war against gun shows took its first casualty: A federal judge Friday tossed out a significant portion of New York state law regulating firearms sales at gun shows. U.S. District Judge Charles Siragusa determined that one of the statute’s definition of a gun show is so broad that it “infringes on … constitutionally protected […]

The gun show loophole loophole

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

After Illinois passed a law to close the non-existent gun show loophole by requiring background checks be done on private, person-to-person sales at gun shows, guess what happened? They recently enacted legislation requiring gun owners to get government permission before selling guns at gun shows. Gun rights advocates claimed that the law was intended to […]

Some gun truth at the Chicago Tribune?

Friday, March 25th, 2005

Do mine eyes deceive me? Someone gets it right regarding the Red Lake shooting: It has become clear over the years that most of these spectacular episodes are so freakish that they are not amenable to regulatory solutions. It has also become clear that any imaginable gun control laws are not likely to have much […]

Guns & Stuff

Monday, March 14th, 2005

Fûz talks about his votes for the NRA Board of Directors. Gun nuts show their nuttiness: Surely, the gun lovers out there have lost sight of the target when they start defending a person’s right to carry rockets and grenades into a school and when they oppose attempts to keep high-powered weapons out of terrorists’ […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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