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Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

Seems with the recent and many losses of the anti-gunners, they’re pulling out all the pants-shitting hysterics: The Smoking Gun: NRA Admits it Does Not Support Criminal Background Checks for All Gun Sales Stop Handgun Violence, a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of gun violence, today released on-the-record quotes from a National Rifle Association […]

I’m sticking with the bullying and the lying

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

Mostly the lying. But it seems that the Second Amendment Foundation is sticking to its guns about alleged journalist Steve Bailey (prior coverage here and here) breaking the law: Boston Globe columnist Steve Bailey is having a hissy fit about finding himself in the same uncomfortable position he has wished upon so many law-abiding American […]

Lies repeated often enough

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Seems the passage of the Tiahrt amendment (which always passes) has the gun control folks and editorial boards (but I repeat myself) up in arms. Times Union: Gun lobby wins again It hardly matters that it’s the Democrats who now ostensibly control Congress. On the critical matter of fighting gun crime, it’s still the gun […]


Monday, July 9th, 2007

Phil Van Cleave on the evil gun show loophole: Let’s be clear about gun shows: There is nothing that can be done at a gun show that cannot be done legally outside of a gun show. The terms “gun show loophole” and “unlicensed gun dealer” are fabricated to mislead the public into thinking that gun […]

Getting the word out

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

In light of the VT massacre, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership’s Paul Helmke is making the rounds. He’s hitting the rotary circuit: Helmke would like to see a national dialogue about what he called the country’s gun problem and hoped that the NRA would get involved in that discussion. I’m certain the NRA […]

Continuing trend

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

WBIR: The shootings at Virginia Tech have sparked a renewed debate about gun control. It may have also sparked an increase in gun sales at shops across the country. “There’s all kinds of crazy things almost every night when you turn on the television and I think that just raises people’s worries more about protecting […]

Liars figure

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Here’s a presser on why gun nuts aren’t important because there are so few of us. It says: Contrary to public claims by the gun industry and the gun lobby, firearms ownership has declined dramatically over the past 35 years according to new survey data from the General Social Survey (GSS) released today by the […]

All linky, no thinky

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

On travel. So, some random stuff that was actually typed last night. Blogging from the past, spooky, eh? Quote of the day: If a meteorologist can’t get the weather forecast right 3 days from now, why should I EVER put any stock in what someone says the weather will be like in 100 years? He […]

The conservative blogs should be entertaining for the next two years

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

Election smart assery. The good news is that lots of people owe me beer. I bet Corker would win and was right. So far, I retain my 100% accuracy on political beer betting. Tennesseans, by an overwhelming margin, are afraid of gay cooties. Braisted on Ford: As I’m watching MSNBC, they are already saying that […]

Cause / Effect

Friday, October 27th, 2006

An anti-gun group had a day of remembrance in Utah. They noted that: According to The Gun Violence Protection Center, in 2005 Utah received a grade of D- for its laws shielding families from gun violence, from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Utah has no child access prevention laws, no gun safety lock […]

Another Bloomberg Suit

Friday, September 1st, 2006

The NY Sun: Mayor Bloomberg has been hit with another lawsuit in connection with his campaign to crack down on illegal guns. A South Carolina gun dealer became the second storeowner to sue after Mr. Bloomberg targeted it a few months ago in an undercover sting operation designed to stymie illegal gun sales. The lawsuit, […]


Friday, August 25th, 2006

CNS News: The California Senate on Thursday passed a bill that would require the “microstamping” of semi-automatic handguns — giving cartridges fired from those guns a unique imprint, which according to gun control advocates, would help police solve crimes. Supporters say microstamping would turn spent cartridges into potential evidence in civil and criminal cases. According […]

Dotting I’s and Crossing T’s

Friday, August 11th, 2006

See background on Sandy Abrams loss of his FFL here. Via PGP, comes this bit by John Lott in the other biased Washington Paper: The Washington Post’s front page on Sunday illustrated the problems with both the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives abuses as well as the media’s out-of-control attacks. The article examined […]

Dealers respond

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

alandp tells us that one of the gun dealers targeted in Bloomberg’s very likely illegal investigation is speaking out: Holman, who had not been served with the lawsuit as of Friday afternoon, said his shop is regulated and audited quarterly by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives because of the high volume […]

Forgetting the dots

Friday, April 28th, 2006

In Connecticut, a gun dealer was arrested by the ATF for what are largely clerical errors: The 22-page affidavit lists numerous, mostly record-keeping, violations. Sullivan charged that D’Andrea on 11 occasions failed to report multiple gun sales to the same person; on 34 occasions failed to get certification of the 90-day state residency requirement before […]

ATF and Clerical Errors

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Another reported case of the ATF going after technical violations instead of real crime: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE) wants to shut down San Leandro’s Trader Sports. The business, owned by Tony Cucchiara, is one of the largest gun dealerships in Northern California. The decision to revoke the dealer’s license to […]

Live free or there

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

Ah, Massachusetts: Attorney General Tom Reilly has learned that gun dealers recently began selling Glock handguns to Massachusetts consumers, after the company represented that the handguns were in compliance with the Attorney General’s Handgun Sales Regulations. AG Reilly’s Office has notified Glock, Inc. that the “extractor indicator” device which the company recently added to its […]


Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

With the liberals in Canada threatening a gun ban, it should surprise no one that gun sales are shooting (heh) up: As soon as the Liberals unveiled their promise to ban the weapons earlier this month, Vancouver gun shop owners saw a jump in handgun sales. Of course, I’m guessing that criminals aren’t the ones […]

NRA stuff

Saturday, September 17th, 2005

I subscribe to the NRA’s newsfeed. Typically, it is overly concerned with whatever Hillary Clinton is doing and bashing the UN. Occasionally, they post some gun news there. Like these items: A press account of the lack of balance on the gun issue. This account of the Montgomery, AL mayor telling folks to buy guns: […]

I called it

Thursday, September 8th, 2005

I predicted an uptick in gun sales six days ago. Guess what: Gun sales across the South boomed after the first reports surfaced of armed looters roaming the streets of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. And images of shots being fired at relief workers only elevated fears in some communities. Now, as […]


Thursday, September 8th, 2005

Be back later. Meanwhile, read these articles on guns and disaster preparedness: Les on emergency supplies Les on post-Katrina gun sales Zendo Deb on a disaster gun The Geek on just in case guns Insty on lessons learned And the local liberal message board has folks mulling their gun choices. I respond on page 2.


Friday, September 2nd, 2005

We saw it after 9/11 and I think we’ll see it after Katrina: there will be an uptick in gun sales.


Thursday, June 30th, 2005

US gun sales are up! Why do I have to read about that at a foreign news source? No American outlets want to point that out?

As long as it’s control

Thursday, May 12th, 2005

The useless solution of limiting handgun sales to one gun per month was recommended to the PA governor: State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas, who also participated in the news conference, said the unlimited sale of handguns in Pennsylvania feeds a voracious underground market for illegal weapons used to commit crimes. “This is about whether or […]

60 minutes lies again

Monday, March 21st, 2005

Caught 60 Minutes nonsensical scare piece on the 50 caliber rifle last night. The gist is that some dude buys guns in the states and sends them to help some Albanians fight a revolution. They interview him and he outlines what he does. I TiVoed it and may have more later. But here are the […]

Policing our own

Monday, January 24th, 2005

The prominent gun site has been host to great info regarding guns in general. I’m a member, have used their info, and have bought stuff there. This thread really reinforces this notion that gun owners are racists and homophobes. Note the references to being anti-gay is OK because gays are typically anti-gun. They imply […]

Hehe, Buttman

Monday, October 18th, 2004

This piece on the impact of guns on crime is not at all hysterical: Jack Buttman can sell a 9 mm Glock pistol in less time than it takes to order breakfast in a diner. It’s even faster, he says, if the buyer is familiar with the one-page form for the federal background check and […]

Sometimes, I love East Tennessee

Thursday, October 7th, 2004

Even our Democrats oppose tax increases and gun control: “The people do not want an income tax,” said Jim Melton, an Independent candidate. “The state income tax is regressive and penalizes people for working and places an unfair burden on the middle class.” Republican candidate Raymond Finney said people he talked to in Sevier and […]

More Assault Weapons Ban Stuff

Monday, September 20th, 2004

Per this: California authorities worry more powerful firearms will eventually make their way into the state — despite the state’s outlaw on a large number of assault weapons. The state’s ban remains active after a federal ban on 19 types of assault weapons expired this week. But with a thriving underworld gun trade and with […]

KNS Ban Coverage

Tuesday, September 14th, 2004

They have a list of firearms that were formerly banned. The list is, of course, wrong because the weapons listed would also have to have more than one of a folding stock, pistol grip, flash hider, threaded barrel, and bayonet lug. As such, those weapons without those features were not banned. Meanwhile, the ban is […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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