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More anti-gun shilling from the CSM

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

The Christian Science Monitor has a long tradition of being anti-gun and un-christian and un-science. After all, making stuff up isn’t very christian or very sciency. But I digress. The latest is this tripe (careful with that link, it may hijack your browser) from their blog: Obama’s views on gun control align with battleground areas’ […]

No thanks

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

The Christian Science Monitor (who is usually full of anti-gun PSH) proposes that the gun industry take a cue from the SCUBA industry and create its own licensing and registration system. No thanks. The firearm industry does plenty to promote safety and protect the rights of gun owners.

Makes my toes wiggle

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

This quote: The Brady Campaign – understaffed, underfunded, and generally floundering… Of course, it’s the Christian Science Monitor so it has the usual misinformation about gun laws (which is no surprise to SayUncle readers – see here): Two years ago, Florida enacted a law that allows anyone who feels threatened anywhere to use deadly force. […]

School shootings and guns

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

With respect to school shootings, gun laws are a hot topic again. guns aren’t in the president’s vocabulary. More accurately, gun bans aren’t and the WaPo seems to not like that. The Christian Science Monitor: In an interview after the conference, Mr. Milonopoulos voiced his dissatisfaction: “I’m grateful to the Bush administration for bringing these […]

More on the Christian Science Monitor and guns

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

I’ve noted the blatant anti-gun bias in The Christian Science Monitor before. Now, they’ve reached a new low in just running a story based entirely on a Violence Policy Center press release.

Funny, I don’t feel like a Neocon

Monday, January 16th, 2006

But this quiz says I am. Of course, the framing of the questions/answers doesn’t really reflect my point of view accurately. Via AC.

Chicks and guns

Friday, August 19th, 2005

Egalia is shocked that North Carolina State legislators have apparently concluded that the best way to deal with domestic violence is to give women guns. The only problem, of course, is that statement is made up. What the proposed law actually does is require that women who seek orders of protection be given information on […]

A new record

Wednesday, August 17th, 2005

I’ve often joked that to get the President to sign a bill, just attach it to a spending bill and he’ll sign it. He likes to spend our money. Turns out, this trend is a new record: Like pardons and executive orders, vetoes are among the cherished privileges of the Oval Office. Ike liked them. […]

More from the CSM

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

The Christian Science Monitor, always a good source for anti-gun babble, writes of the pending legislation to repeal the DC gun ban: There are more than a few questions about the good senator’s beneficence. There’s the fact that the courts have decided that laws like the District’s, which prohibits handguns, aren’t any sort of violation […]

Unchristian, maybe even unscience

Thursday, April 14th, 2005

More gun lies from the Christian Science Monitor: Florida’s lawmakers have passed a bill to remove criminal penalties for anyone who shoots an attacker even if the shooter didn’t first make an effort to escape. That leaves out the rather important requirement that the person who uses deadly force presumes that there exists threat of […]

Gun control roundup

Tuesday, April 5th, 2005

After the Red Lake shooting, I was rather surprised at the lack of calls for gun control. Even the Brady Campaign, an organization usually inclined to politicize the death of children, only made a half-hearted attempt. The SacBee notes the same thing: The day after the Red Lake reservation shootings – the latest of three […]

Lame Assault Weapons Ban Editorial

Tuesday, August 24th, 2004

The Christian Science Monitor: Starting Sept. 14, our law-enforcement officers and the general public will face a more dangerous environment in our communities. It appears that President Bush and Congress are going let the federal Assault Weapons Ban expire. This makes no sense. On September 14, I’d bet dollars to donuts there will not be […]

Class Warfare

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004

Only in Berkeley: After a moment of hesitation, Shana Rocklin lowers her voice and confesses. Yes, she owns three cars. Yes, she parks them on the streets of her curb-abundant neighborhood. And yes, she deserves to be punished. In many other cities in America, her automobiles wouldn’t even be an afterthought. But this is not […]

This is not news!

Wednesday, May 28th, 2003


Eminent Problems

Tuesday, May 13th, 2003


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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