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What media bias?

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

At FoxNews, a piece on DC skirting Heller begins with: The Supreme Court’s repeal of the ban on handguns in Washington, D.C., may be a boon for a segment of the firearms industry whose last major windfall might have been in the heyday of the Dirty Harry movies: those who make and sell revolvers. We’ll […]

Fundraising Suicide

Friday, June 13th, 2008

David Hardy: Brady Campaign goes on to cite what they could push for, and could hope to pass constitutional muster: universal (i.e., private sale) background checks, AW bans, “curbing large volume sales,” i.e., one gun a month. Leaving aside whether those would pass muster … how does the Brady Campaign hope to survive on them? […]

Making a buck

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

A conundrum! Seems Ronnie Barrett (who I met at NRA Con) set a precedent. A bit back, when LAPD used one of his rifles as a prop to advocate banning his rifles, he sent them a letter stating he would not sell nor service rifles to police departments in Cali. STI did almost the same […]

And that’s better?

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

So, lost in all the outrage over being called bitter by Barack Rock to the Planet Rock Don’t Stop Obama, we missed out on the fact he supposedly gave us gun owners props just hours before: “We need sensible gun laws,” said the Senator. “I just got back from Montana where just about everyone has […]

Bloomberg comes to Nashville

Monday, April 28th, 2008

Nashville Mayor Karl Dean may join an anti-gun group: A national movement among urban mayors against illegal guns and the so-called “gun show loophole” has made its way to Knoxville and Memphis. Nashville Mayor Karl Dean said he is exploring joining that cause. Mayor Haslam and other Tennessee mayors have signed up with this anti-gun […]


Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Is that a synonym for factually deficient? Apparently, MSNBC won’t run the Mayors Against Guns ad because it’s controversial: “How could the network call something controversial that all three candidates agree about,” he said. “All three cands have called for the gun-show loophole to be closed.” Because we’ have to admit all three candidates are […]

Liberal problem solving

Friday, March 21st, 2008

The story so far: some state politico goober decided to sue a gas station for price-gouging. Seems said station owner had the audacity to put up a big sign advertising his price and people agreed to pay it. You know, capitalism. Some smart ass blogger decided to, well, be a smart ass. Prompting another smart […]

Who is FN

Friday, March 14th, 2008

Over at The Gun Shots, Slaton White tells us. Though the piece ends with: For obvious reasons, sales of the SCAR are restricted to law enforcement agencies and the military. That runs counter to what I’ve heard which is that there will be a civilian version.

STI still not fans of Cali

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Too bad I don’t care for 1911s or I’d have to buy an STI just for this: This promotion is available only to citizens of the USA. Unfortunately, citizens of California are not eligible for this promotion. In other news, they’re giving away a 1911. Via Joe. You’ll recall STI also stopped sales to California.

How many lies can the Tennessean’s editorial board repeat

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Let’s count: Cho’s purchases met Virginia law at the time, but a judge’s recent ruling on his competency should have sounded an alarm with federal officials, had they been notified as part of the background check. Incorrect. Cho broke the law. There simply wasn’t a mechanism for reporting his adjudication as a mental defective. Some […]

Oh Noes! It’s education

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Seems a school in WV wants to teach kids hunting: The move comes as the state watches its hunting population age, and sales of hunting permits drop, leaving a hole in the state budget. Senator Billy Bailey has introduced a bill that would provide hunting instruction to 7th, 8th and 9th graders, with topics ranging […]

Fact checking is hard

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

Looks like another federal law is in the works regarding the mythological gun show loophole and the media is still taking anti-gun group dictation. Repeat after me, sales at gun shows are subject to the exact same federal regulations as sales not at gun shows.


Saturday, January 26th, 2008

Over at the Carpet Bagger report, Morbo laments that the NRA continues to hold dominion over Virginia. Morbo incorrectly notes: In Virginia, lawmakers have rejected modest legislation closing a loophole that allows people to buy weapons at gun shows without undergoing a background check. This should be a no-brainer after what happened, but still the […]

Honor system

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

So, a guy at a national lab was alleged making some side money selling gun accessories taken from work on Ebay: A federal agency has ordered the Energy Department to reinstate a training specialist fired after a Pantex probe into illegal Internet sales of government-issued rifle scopes and laser aiming devices. Details: A special agent […]

Abrams to go to trial

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

From a presser by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership: Gun Lobbyist and Gun Dealer Sandy Abrams Heads to Trial for Illegal Assault Weapon Sales, Cited for 900 Federal Gun Law Violations Over Nearly a Decade I’m not particularly familiar with the case but I do know that Abrams had said that he was […]

Being Evil

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Google is anti-gun. Received a message from Google Adsense: While reviewing your account, we noticed that you are currently displaying Google ads in a manner that is not compliant with our policies. For instance, we found violations of AdSense policies on pages such as As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not […]

Huge Success

Friday, August 31st, 2007

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is touting its recent protests as a success. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Buy Ammo on Aug 28!

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Via Kim Du Toit comes David Codrea’s call to action: On August 28, activists in cities across America will hold a national day of protest to focus attention on the scourge of illegal gun trafficking. As I said on KABA Newslink Comments: I’m going to try and start a blog swarm at WarOnGuns to get […]

Osama’s Arms Market

Friday, August 17th, 2007

We’ve been lead to believe that Osama has been in Pakistan.  Personally, I think he’s a stain on a cave somewhere.  But an intrepid individual in Florida has managed to pin him down: In a few weeks, the gun show at the South Florida Fairgrounds will be an ideal event for all violent criminals to […]

Speaking of ATF troubles

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

I just listed some, but here’s another: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives no longer routinely checks the addresses of some buyers at gun shows after being accused of slowing sales at a show in Richmond in 2005, the Justice Department reported yesterday. And your tax dollars at work: The U.S. attorney’s office […]

Another odd contraption

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

A suppressor for a mini-gun.

First I’ve heard of this

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

On the NICS bill, the Philly Inquirer notes: The NRA says it supports the move because it tightens existing safeguards, rather than expand controls. But, no surprise, there’s a gimmie or two for the NRA. Among the most troubling is the exclusion from the background-check system of veterans with mental health problems. First I’ve heard […]

Another NICS in the wall

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

So, here’s the post on the new National Instant Check System (NICS) bill. The NICS is the database that is used to determine if the purchaser of a firearm is a prohibited person. As I said before, the measure seems to offer incentives in the form of grants to states that keep their NICS data […]

Zumbo and Evil Black Rifles

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

Make the New York Times: Despite their menacing appearance — and in some cases, because of it — black rifles are now the guns of choice for many hunters, target shooters and would-be home defenders. Owners praise their accuracy, ease of use and versatility, as well as their potential to be customized with an array […]

Oh really

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Seen at Time: Livaccari points out that, in a holdup, a gun-waving victim is more likely to end up shot than one who simply hands over money — though his message isn’t helped by incidents like one last October in which a would-be victim shot and killed a man he told police was trying to […]

Class 3 Fever – Suppressor Bleg Too

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Colt CCO says Knoxville has it based on suppressor sales. Yeah, I’ve been looking at suppressors. I’m not sure which one I want. I want one suppressor for four guns. I want a 9mm suppressor for use on my 9mm AR, a 9mm handgun, the Walther P22 pistol and the Ruger 10/22 rifle. I think […]

Moderates drinking kool-aid

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

Over at the moderate voice, Paul Silver asks: I came across these reasonable comments from Paul Helmke, a former Republican mayor of Fort Wayne, Ind., and the new president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: …Concerns for gun violence prevention and public safety should not be categorized as pro-gun versus anti-gun. What’s “anti-gun” […]

The Ammunition Loophole

Thursday, December 14th, 2006

In Jersey: Bullets slip through hole in gun laws Criminal offenders bought handgun ammunition from nine stores in Monmouth and Ocean counties, according to testimony heard Tuesday by a state panel investigating the link between bullet sales and street violence. Seven of those stores were in Ocean County, which ranked first among the 19 counties […]

Bloomberg announces new series of lawsuits

Friday, December 8th, 2006 MAYOR BLOOMBERG ANNOUNCES THE FILING OF SECOND FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST IRRESPONSIBLE GUN DEALERS 12 Gun Dealers in Five States Are Named in Second Federal Lawsuit Following Sting Operation Six of the 15 Gun Dealers Named in the First Lawsuit Have Reached Settlements with the City; Court Appointed Special Master is Named for Three of […]

What media bias?

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

They say it like it’s a bad thing: 80 local gun laws imperiled by bill Laws that hold adults responsible when children get guns. Assault-weapon bans in Columbus and six other cities. Prohibitions on “Saturday night specials.” A Cincinnati measure barring firearms sales within 1,000 feet of schools. All those and dozens of other ordinances […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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