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Guess the lump was a pistol

Monday, November 13th, 2006

I love East Tennessee. Even the County Commissioners are strapped: My good friend Greg “Lumpy” Lambert who is also a Knox county commissioner had a little run in today that ended with guns being drawn. I happened to call Lumpy today and got the full story. Lumpy does used car sales for a real job. […]

Bloomberg comes to town – updated again

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Mayor Haslam was apparently on Steve Gill’s show (thanks for the mention Steve) and was asked about his membership in an anti-gun group (see here and here). I haven’t heard it. AC says: My main man, Steve Gill, and I just conversated and he relays that Haslam’s people called into his show today and were […]

Bloomberg comes to town

Monday, October 9th, 2006

Or at least his presence. Seems Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam is a member of Michael Bloomberg’s Alliance of Mayors Against Guns. I have intentionally left off the word illegal because Bloomberg’s antics have not targeted illegal gun dealers but legal and lawful dealers. Bloomberg has waged a war against lawful gun dealers. A refresher on […]

When in doubt, make shit up

Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

The LA Times editorial board is apparently about as smart as a box of rocks. And they molest children. See, I have no facts to back up those assertions I just know they must be true. What? You mean that’s uncalled for? Kinda silly? Perhaps even libelous? You’re damn skippy it is. But that’s they […]

More Bloomberg bits

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

KABA: Statement from Mayor Bloomberg On Guilty Plea by Michael Spallone of Woodhaven Rifle and Pistol Range “Strict enforcement of our local gun laws is critical in the fight against illegal guns. After undercover investigations revealed violations in sales practices at Woodhaven Rifle and Pistol Range, Inc., the gun dealer, Michael Spallone, today pled guilty […]

Double standard, my foot

Monday, August 28th, 2006

Cam Edwards says Bloomberg has a double standard: More than three months after Mayor Bloomberg’s announcement that he had sent private investigators into five states to catch gun dealers making illegal sales, he is refusing to turn over the evidence they’ve gathered to the federal agency that investigates illegal guns. Analysts said the impasse may […]

I might buy a Nissan

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

I don’t need one but some of them come with free guns: A creative marketing campaign conjured up by Prestige Nissan General Sales Manager Dan Crumpler offers buyers of used or new Nissan SUVs or trucks in August a choice of a Remington 1187 shotgun or a Remington 700 rifle. Meanwhile, a board member of […]

A peeve

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

I hate when someone uses weasel words like failed to mention or never mention. Not mentioning something proves little, generally, unless it’s a blatant omission of some kind. But my real peeve about it is that it 1) generally implies intent to deceive; and 2) is usually a bullshit claim. Take for example this: As […]

Media stupidity

Friday, August 4th, 2006

I’ve written a lot about how ignorant the American press is when it comes to guns. But other countries’ coverage of the American gun issue are just fucking retarded: Statistics show us that more people are killed by the gun in the United States every year than in all of the countries combined! Absolutely false. […]

Sooper Seekrit Settlement

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

The Brady Bunch issued a presser that congratulates Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the City of New York for the historic settlement announced today with two Georgia gun dealers. No details of the settlement. Seems odd. I wonder if the settlement is NYC pays the dealers money and they don’t sue NYC? The Bradies stick to […]

Good thing there’s no emergency

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

Or this would be illegal when that law passes: The State of California, however, required that anyone who had such a rifle prior to the ban undergo a special registration with the California Department of Justice. More recently, California required the registration of 50 BMG rifles by April 30, 2006, after banning their sale and […]

San Fran Ban a no-no

Monday, June 12th, 2006

The AP: A state trial judge on Monday overturned a voter-approved city ordinance that banned handgun possession and firearm sales in San Francisco, siding with gun owners who said the city did not have the authority to prohibit the weapons. Good. As to why: In siding with the gun owners, San Francisco County Superior Court […]

ATF v. Bloomberg

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

In the latest in Bloomberg’s sting against gun dealers (a summary can be found here), comes this: William G. McMahon, special agent in charge of the ATF’s New York field division, announced Friday that the agency would review the intelligence gathered by the city and target any federally licensed firearms dealers who broke the law. […]

Supply and Demand

Saturday, May 27th, 2006

Threaten supply and demand goes up: Weapons traders in Belgium have reported a strong rise in sales since debate opened up around tighter gun control laws. The rules in Belgium are changing: Hunting and sports weapons can currently be bought across the counter without a licence on proof of identification. After the person’s details are […]

The Justice Department Releases Sort Of Useless Info

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

That’s what headline should be. But this Brady Presser says: In a rare release of information the gun industry has tried to keep secret, the Justice Department has revealed data naming the gun dealers who rank as the five leading sellers of guns traced to crimes. […] Each of the five dealers, the court documents […]


Thursday, May 25th, 2006

alandp notes: As gun control laws have been added piecemeal over the years, it has forced gun owners to deal with conflicting and redundant requirements. Furthermore, the interstate requirements for buying a gun have needlessly forced gun dealers to ship firearms via commercial carriers, thus subjecting them to being lost, damaged or stolen. To counteract […]

ATF to investigate Bloomberg stings

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

Yeah, we seem to be all Bloomberg all the time here today but this is important. David Hardy: ATF has said they will be investigating every aspect of these “sting” sales (and there were ATF people present who repeated that). This may be bad news for the city, since IF the sales were illegal straw […]

I think I see the problem

Friday, May 19th, 2006

Clearly, your head is up your ass or you don’t know how to use Google. JS Online welcomes the NRA but details some differences of opinion: What we do have a hard time buying is that military-style, semiautomatic weapons are essential to the right to hunt. Yet in backing a federal ban on such weapons, […]

Bloomberg at it again

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

USA Today: The city is suing 15 out-of-state gun shops it says supply a significant portion of the guns that flow into New York, including some that end up in the hands of criminals. The lawsuit being filed Monday asks the federal court to order supervision and extra training for the dealers in Georgia, Ohio, […]

Quote of the day

Saturday, April 29th, 2006

I’ve discussed The Market and Guns before. Ronnie Barrett sums it up: …When politicians say “we’ll ban sales of this caliber or that rifle to anyone except the police department and the military” who do they think will be making those items? We don’t have a “U.S. Springfield Armory” anymore – the government shut them […]

Evoking Columbine

Friday, April 21st, 2006

Washington Ceasefire (an anti gun group) president Ralph Fascitelli has an opinion piece in the Seattle Times that blames the lack of gun control for the death of some kids at a rave. He says: …last month our own Columbine event happened on Capitol Hill. In both cases, a deranged loner or two with an […]


Saturday, April 15th, 2006

Seems the super stores may not be that super for some. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) has decided to stop selling guns in about a third of its U.S. stores in what it calls a marketing decision based on lack of demand in some places, a company spokeswoman said Friday Not sure if ammo sales will […]

Carry permit in Maryland

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

Pro-Gun Progressive has more details on applying for a CCW permit in his not shall-issue state. Most striking to me: They also wanted a letter from my manager explaining my duties as an outside sales rep; the letter also had to state that he didn’t have a problem with my carrying and transporting a handgun. […]

Here’s the story of a man named Brady

Friday, March 31st, 2006

Via Counter, here’s a Q&A with Jim and Sarah Brady. Wow, they just lie through their teeth: In the first place, lets make it clear we don’t want restrictions on law abiding citizens beyond making sure that all gun purchasers undergo a complete and comprehensive background check. Our purpose is to keep guns out of […]

Illinois Assault Weapons Ban Update

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

The manufacturers who would be driven out of business if it passed gathered to protest: — The bill serves no practical crime fighting purpose as the firearms that would be banned are rarely used in criminal acts. This fact is the primary reason why the federal “assault weapons ban” was not renewed in 2004. — […]

NFA items in Michigan

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

The ATF has issued an opinion stating that sales of transferable machine guns is now legal in Michigan. No mention that other NFA items are affected.

More on the ATF hearings – 2

Wednesday, March 1st, 2006

Times Dispatch writes: Federal agents made mistakes while searching for illegal firearm sales at Richmond gun shows, a top federal law enforcement officer told congressional investigators yesterday. But the official also defended aggressive gun-show patrols conducted by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and local police, saying that they had prevented violent criminals […]

More on the Patriot Act

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

GOA reports: At issue for gun owners is a provision that would allow the FBI to obtain “firearms sales records.” The bill extends Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act and allows agents of the federal government to get “firearms sales records” which, in their opinion, are relevant to investigating terrorism. These records would be obtained […]

The AP lied to (and about) Barrett Rifles

Thursday, December 1st, 2005

I mentioned an article that ran at The Tennessean about Barrett Rifles. I received a tip from Anthony Garcia in comments that the folks at Barrett were surprised by the piece because the reporter, Rose French, approached Barrett on the premise that she was interested in doing a business feature about the company. Anthony forwarded […]

Poll results

Wednesday, November 9th, 2005

Gun Law News has the results of its poll regarding what should be next on the agenda for gun right: The question was ‘Where should we go for next?’. And the results were: Nationwide CCW Reciprocity 43.5% Repeal of NFA 34 28.4% Repeal of ‘sporting use’ 11.5% Repeal of the Brady Bill 6.8% Repeal of […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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