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Nine proposals fight trafficking, loopholes

Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

That’s what it says. Not sure who this I person is, but they have a plan that includes: Stiffening the penalties for gun trafficking. That sounds reasonable. Extending RICO to gun traffickers. When all else fails, we use RICO. Banning sales of ammunition to people who have committed certain crimes. I wonder how they plan […]

War Trophy Bill

Wednesday, October 19th, 2005

David Hardy reports: HR 2088 is a bill which would allow WWII vets and their heirs to possess certain war trophies and DEWATs (deactivated war trophies). What prompts the legislation is that during WWII, commanders were authorizing soldiers to own and take home war trophy guns, including machineguns. Many of the vets didn’t realize that […]

Happy Independence Day

Monday, July 4th, 2005

Reader Tim Sheehy wrote this and I said I’d publish hit so here you go. This 4th of July be sure to: Buckle your seatbelt, Behave for the traffic cameras, Patiently wait at the sobriety checkpoints and hold your tongue if you feel the police officer at that checkpoint is too inquisitive, Don’t light up […]

RINO Sightings

Monday, June 27th, 2005

Behold, the Raging Rinos, created by The Commissar for secular and moderate conservatives who don’t drink the party Kool-Aid on issues such as whether it’s legal for dudes to diddle dudes and all that God business. Republican, without all the crazy. J.D. has kicked around many logos for the group, following some issues with the […]

AWB Effectiveness

Monday, June 20th, 2005

Despite giving DiFi early air time in the piece, this is not a bad piece on the assault weapons ban (at least by California newspaper standards): Feinstein said that the expiration of the ban she fought hard to get in 1994 “will have deadly consequences on the streets of America.” But has it really made […]

Saving it up

Thursday, June 16th, 2005

In August of 2006, Tennessee will have a sales tax holiday. This will be that special time of year where, for an entire weekend, the powers that be acknowledge that sales taxes in Tennessee are ridiculously high and people need a break. If you buy a car during the holiday, you could save a few […]

Don’t SASS me

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

Rumor has it that the venerable M24 sniper system used by the US military is on its way out. The military think tanks have decided that the military should use a Semi Automatic Sniper System (SASS) instead of a bolt action operating system and have begun accepting bids. The military has specified that the semi-automatic […]

This just in

Monday, April 25th, 2005

The ban on weapons that looked like assault weapons was a bust. The NY Times with Many Say End of Firearm Ban Changed Little: Despite dire predictions that the streets would be awash in military-style guns, the expiration of the decade-long assault weapons ban last September has not set off a sustained surge in the […]

What media bias?

Friday, April 22nd, 2005

Doug Grow of the Star Tribune: Dhennin, a retired Anoka County sheriff’s deputy, and Sinner, a University of Minnesota grad student in public health, proved that you can buy just about anything you want in Minnesota. Did he get a machine gun? For Saturday’s excursion, Dhennin and Sinner, shopping on behalf of Citizens for a […]

Guilty until proven innocent

Friday, April 8th, 2005

Bills are moving through Congress to ban the sales of firearms to people who are on terror watchlists. On the issue: The National Shooting and Sports Foundation (NSSF) says the recent revelations that the secret government lists include senators and congressman, as well as the foundation’s own senior vice president and general council, are proof […]

Five more questions from Tom

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005

Tom has zinged me back on this five questions meme. I don’t intend to solicit five more but will answer Tom’s questions. Here they are: 1 – You’ve said in the past that you’re not opposed to all “common sense” gun regulation, just most. What, to you, constitutes acceptable gun regulation? In particular, I’m talking […]

FN 5 7 Update

Thursday, February 24th, 2005

Senators from Hell err New Jersey are introducing a bill to ban the FN 57: New Jersey’s U.S. senators plan to introduce a bill that would make it illegal for anyone, except a police officer or military official, to purchase or use an assault pistol that fires bullets capable of penetrating a bulletproof vest. The […]

Ok, maybe Democrats don’t get it

Thursday, February 24th, 2005

There’s a proposal to restrict ammo sales: The sale of ammunition like that used in the Hudson Valley Mall shooting should be restricted, two local Democratic lawmakers say. “I realize you can’t stop somebody from committing a crime, or committing a heinous act if they’re really intent on doing it, but maybe you can slow […]

Damn Taxes

Wednesday, February 16th, 2005

Spent the last few days working on my taxes. Bastards. This year, we Tennesseans can deduct sales tax (which was particularly helpful since I bought a new ride this year) so the sting is slightly less than I thought it would be. Still, they’re bastards. The light at the end of the tunnel is that […]

Walmart sued over suicide

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

Here we go. The basic story here is that some woman was causing a rucus at one Walmart where she had a prescription for anti-psychotic medication, she leaves there, goes to another Walmart and buys a shotgun. Then she shoots herself. So, the mother’s suing Walmart for not knowing about their customers. Basically, it’s all […]

Global taxes

Thursday, September 23rd, 2004

A global tax on gun purchases: This is not the first time Chirac and other world leaders have called for a global tax. Last year, some at the G8 summit meeting floated the idea of a global tax on arms sales, including – at Chirac’s suggestion – a tax on gun purchases by individuals. In […]

Assault Weapons Ban Round Up – 6 days

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004

First, my opinion. The ban will sunset. Anti-gunners will vote for Kerry, period. Bush can only lose votes from gun owners and NRA members by pushing for the ban. He knows it and his advisers know it. Additionally, if the ban sunsets, I predict an NRA endorsement for Bush. However, after November, a push for […]

Assault weapons ban in the NYT

Wednesday, August 18th, 2004

Nicholas D. Kristof on the assault weapons ban: President Bush promised in the last presidential campaign to support an extension of the ban, which was put in place in 1994 for 10 years. “It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society,” Mr. Bush observed at the time. These days Mr. Bush […]

Politics and the AWB

Wednesday, August 11th, 2004

Alex Halperin, of The Financial Times, writes: On paper, both John Kerry and George W.Bush support the extension of the US assault weapons ban. In practice, neither has done much to make it happen – thanks to the power of gun politics in the US. The 10-year-old ban expires on September 13, highlighting an issue […]

That old adage: enforce existing laws

Tuesday, July 27th, 2004

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (which is almost as dumb a name as Post Intelligencer) writes: More than 7,000 people who should have been barred from buying guns were able to buy them anyway in 2002 and 2003, according to a Justice Department review released Monday. The government rarely prosecutes such cases, the report said. Federal law […]

More SKS fears

Monday, July 12th, 2004

The SKS is evil incarnate. As such, the media hysteria continues to whip into a frenzy. Mention SKS and assault weapon ban in the same sentence to get the desired effect. What’s noticeably absent from these scare stories is that the SKS, which does not accept a detachable magazine, is not affected by the assault […]

Oh yeah, well I’m more Reaganer than you!

Friday, June 11th, 2004

Apologies for twice in a row drawing attention to the politicization of Ronald Reagan. However, the NRA is saying: Exploiting tragedy for political gain is nothing new for the media and the Brady Campaign, but this morning’s appearance on NBC’s Today Show reached a new low. Katie Couric and Sarah Brady used the tragic occasion […]

Assault Weapons Ban Round Up

Monday, May 10th, 2004

The first Million Mom March supposedly numbered about 750,000 (a figure which critics have called grossly inflated, in fact one source I read put the number at about 50,000 – maybe). Well, there was another one. And it has been dubbed by others the thousand gang limp. Not only did it lack numbers, it lacked […]

Happy Tax Day, Suckers

Thursday, April 15th, 2004

First, the good news: It is also Buy a Gun day. So, go buy a gun or two. Some bad news: Phelps writes: . . . a communist long-term goal has been achieved. (Second Plank of the Communist Manifesto.) Half of the population effectively pays no income tax, making this a tax progressive enough that […]

Assault Weapons Ban Round Up

Monday, March 22nd, 2004

And we thought police were all for gun control: I took exception to Tuesday’s letter, “Common sense won,” from Marsha McCartney of the Dallas Million-Mom March for implying that any vote against the assault weapons ban was a vote against law enforcement. I have been a police officer for the last 13 years, and I […]

Assault Weapons Round Up

Friday, March 19th, 2004


Where it stands

Wednesday, February 25th, 2004


Hillbilly Blog Reviews

Tuesday, February 17th, 2004

Buddy Don has started a new feature, blog reviews. An excellent idea! I may be saying that because he reviews my site. But I take this as a high compliment: i half to add mitt, whenever i furst red mr. uncles site, i figgerd twuz one of the one-noters a la sick of bush or […]

Maryland Assault Weapons Ban Round Up

Thursday, February 12th, 2004


Received via email

Wednesday, February 11th, 2004


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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