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You’re kidding

Friday, September 8th, 2006

The ATF has issued an alert regarding the world’s least powerful handgun: Federal ATF Agents issued an officer safety advisory on what is called the world’s smallest gun after a CBS 2 inquiry. The Alert has been issued both in the New York and nationally to all Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives criminal investigators and […]

Gunny Funnies

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Seen at Les Jones’ joint. Summing up the AR v. AK Debate: 1. The AR is a tempermental, finnicky tool that will only cycle through a full magazine when blessed personally by the pope, plus it shoots a round that won’t even stop a well-fed hamster. The AK can be filled with concrete and it […]

I thought it was just the Brits who were afraid of knives

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Nashville TeeVee reports: The FBI and Metro police are warning their officers about some dangerous weapons after an unusually perilous year for knife attacks. In this era of gun control, there is renewed concern about knives, especially concealed weapons that are disguised as normal items. This FBI recently sent out a bulletin across the country […]

Gratuitous Plug

Thursday, July 20th, 2006

I recently purchases a forearm mounted front sight from Their website is here (it’s under construction) and their page is here. Good prices, excellent service, fast delivery, and quick response to my inquiries. By good prices, I mean a YHM free float, light weight forearm for $87 and a YHM forearm mounted front […]


Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Related to this post on coyotes, seems if a gun isn’t handy, you can use a flashlight!

Put the berries down and no one gets hurt

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

Pesky berry ninjas R. Neal brings to our attention the police reaction to Floridians poaching berries: For berry patrol, each deputy dons green fatigues or camouflage, army boots, a black motorcycle helmet or military “Bonnie Hat,” heavy duty gloves, and a belt with bush necessities: automatic pistol, taser, pepper spray, baton, night-vision goggles, infrared binoculars, […]

Thoughts on house guns

Tuesday, February 21st, 2006

The house gun is merely the gun you keep accessible at your home in case something goes bump in the night. I think there are generally three schools of thought on the house gun: handgun, carbine and shotgun. My personal preference is for a handgun because it’s much easier to navigate narrow hallways with a […]

End of the world

Friday, August 5th, 2005

There’s been some blathering in blogworld about these survival kits. You know, the stuff you should have for when the SHTF* or when the lights just go out for a little bit. These discussions point out things like food, water, flashlights, a weapon or two, purifiers, and backup generators. These are all fine and good […]

Let’s play a game

Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

This game is called Guess who’s lying. A local police officer shot a woman’s dog (which the press dutifully points out is a pit bull mix). The pit bull mix was shot in the head with a .40 caliber handgun, was treated by a vet, and is still alive [Damn, tough dog or weak ammo […]

Apocalypse Cow

Monday, August 25th, 2003

There’s been some blathering in blogworld about these survival kits. You know, the stuff you should have for when the SHTF* or when the lights just go out for a little bit. These discussions point out things like food, water, flashlights, a weapon or two, purifiers, and backup generators. These are all fine and good […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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