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But gun ownership is on the decline

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

17th straight record month for gun sales. And in NY, a run on pistol permits because of the election.

Chicks and guns

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

Not helping*: FOX 11 Investigates was told off-camera by a representative of Badger Gun Sales that he won’t sell a handgun to a woman without her first getting trained. He recommends to his female clients they check out Well Armed Woman, a gun training group solely for women. So, men, you presume, are already trained? […]

Swiss not a fan of proposed EU gun controls

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Reuters: The proposed directive, which applies to non-EU member Switzerland only because it is part of Europe’s Schengen open border system, has raised hackles among the Swiss, who resent intervention from Brussels. Christoph Blocher, a leading voice of the Swiss right and a eurosceptic, says Switzerland should consider abandoning Europe’s Schengen system of passport-free travel […]

Court rules those with medical marijuana permits can be denied a gun purchase

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

ATF form 4473, that you fill out when you buy a gun, asks: Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? I would assume that your government giving you permission through your doctor would mean you were not an unlawful user […]

“But gun ownership is on the decline” they tell me

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

June is the 14th consecutive month for record NICS checks. And a record number of guns have been sold this year. Matt Damon’s gonna come take them all.

Gun in Paris attack came from Phoenix

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Per Judicial Watch. Phoenix, of course, being where ATF allowed gun sales to criminals with Operation Fast And Furious.

If you’re happy that guns are so popular, thank a Democrat

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Well, Obama has been gun salesman of the year for 7 years. But if you want to thank someone for the increasing popularity of AR-15s, thank Bill Clinton: When Martin KA Morgan was a kid in the 1970s, military-style rifles were only a small sliver of the firearms market in the United States. Demand was […]

But gun ownership is on the decline

Saturday, May 7th, 2016

April caps off record year for gun sales

Obama to move on gun control unilaterally, again, still

Monday, January 4th, 2016

ABC: President Barack Obama is slated Monday to finalize a set of new executive actions tightening the nation’s gun laws, making his first order of business in 2016 a clear signal the president in his final year doesn’t intend to go quietly. At a meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey and […]

Possibly the most ridiculous gun control proposal I’ve seen

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

A push to limit ammo purchases to twice the gun’s capacity. Every 90 days. So, someone would have to make 14 round boxes for 1911s? And it’s make for some short range trips.

ITAR update may threaten gun websites

Sunday, June 7th, 2015

Paul Bedard: Commonly used and unregulated internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a “gag order on firearm-related speech,” the National Rifle Association is warning. In updating regulations governing international arms sales, State is demanding that anyone who puts technical details […]

Wal-Mart wins lawsuit trying to force them to stop selling guns

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Good: An appeals court ruled Tuesday that Wal-Mart investors don’t have a right to try to stop the company from selling rifles or any other product those shareholders may think is socially destructive.

S&W and Ruger to California: No sales for you

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Put aside the photo of someone with their booger-hook on the bang-switch while pointing it at their hand. FoxNews: A new gun law proponents say helps law enforcement has driven Smith & Wesson and Sturm Ruger out of California, and affirmed the suspicions of firearms rights advocates that the measure is really about making handguns […]

Gun Bills in TN

Monday, February 9th, 2015

A proposal for a sales tax free day to buy hunting stuff. There are other gun bills as well, which, as always, ruffles Tom Humphrey’s feathers. Some highlights include: Removing a city’s ability to ban guns in parks Civil injunctions for employers that fire employees for having guns in their cars Removing the crime of […]

Will not comply gun show

Monday, February 9th, 2015

In WA, a group plans to do just that: We’ve seen rallies and demonstrations against Washington’s new voter-approved background check law. But now a gun rights group is planning a “we will not comply” gun show. It’s dubbed the Arms Expo. It’s scheduled for the weekend of June 20 in the Yakima area at a […]

Gun Porn

Sunday, January 25th, 2015

A gallery of Maxim Silencer sales literature. Very cool. unfired/unissued CZ-52

Gun nuts gonna gun nut

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

Crimson Trace says store clerks hinder their sales. And their products will give away your position! I kid. That’s a dumb thing to say. I love Crimson Trace lasers and have them on all but one carry gun, which has a red dot on it.

But gun ownership is on the decline, they tell me

Monday, January 12th, 2015

Contrary to media narrative, gun sales are steadily increasing

Gun bubble

Sunday, November 16th, 2014

What happens to overly inflated industries, also happens to gun companies after a sales boom.

ATF asking about internet sales on forms

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

From John Richardson: It is within this context that I was surprised by a new question on the ATF Form 8 ((5320.11) Part II. This form is for the renewal of a Federal Firearms License I have circled it in the photo below. Having had my Curios & Relics FFL for going on 18 years, […]

It’s as though the gun ban scare has been lifted

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

S&W AR-15 sales down 60%

In gun control news

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

Cali, who has the most and still has mass shootings, wants to try even harder to fail. And in Chicago, a silly bill to videotape firearms transfers. What could possibly go wrong?

But gun ownership is on the decline – they lied

Monday, February 17th, 2014

So, Bloomberg’s rag is running a bit saying that we’ve had enough of guns, going by sales records. CNN goes a bit further with the stupidity saying GUN SALES ARE PLUNGING! Well, they are leveling off* after record highs since Obama got elected and since Obama danced in the blood of Newtown to call for […]

More guns, less crime

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

You can’t argue with science Guess what happens with record gun sales and more carry permit holders.

But gun ownership is down, they lied

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

NRA training material sales reach record high

In the era of hope and change, guns are good business

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

S&W has double digit sales growth

Suing over making gun ownership a requirement

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Symbolically a requirement, any way. But the Brady Campaign To Cling To Relevancy is suing: A group that supports gun control filed suit Thursday against a north Georgia town that recently passed a law requiring gun ownership that it said is mostly symbolic. The Washington-based Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence filed a federal lawsuit […]

A republican gun control bill

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

So, a couple of Republicans helped “reach a deal” on the supposedly inevitable gun deal by proposing their own bill. The press even calls the bill “meaningful”. Except that a cursory reading of it tells me that the bill will: Require background checks at gun shows, except among private sellers. It would also require background […]

More gun companies not selling to NY law enforcement

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

DoubleStar/JT Distributing (my go to folks for parts) stop selling their stuff there. Barrett stops sales. They stopped sales and service to Cali long ago.

More gun control in New York

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

Republicans sold New Yorkers out and caved on some of the most onerous gun laws seen to date. One thing the bill does is it moves the arbitrary number of rounds a magazine should hold according to people who don’t know guns from 10 to 7. No grandfathering, in some cases. Your Ruger 10/22 factory […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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