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Oh, now I remember

Friday, February 6th, 2009

Remember, Mexican army has a lot of 50 calibers. Lots of deserters in their army. But obviously crime guns come from US gun shows.

More lies for Mexico

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

The outright fabrication of blaming US for the fact that Mexican drug gangs are getting machine guns and grenades at US gun shows continues. Meanwhile: “The 5.7 x 28, armor piercing (AP) rounds are not available for sale to the general public and are probably coming from the Mexican military,” Last week Gen. Ángeles Dahuajare […]

On that gun database we don’t have *wink wink*

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

In comments here, Curtis highlights this: …she [Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano – ed.] will give Mexican authorities access to a government database to trace the U.S. origin of seized weapons. And he responds with: Is that the database that they weren’t legally supposed to build/maintain? Populated with data from 4473s and/or NICS checks – […]

You’re doing it wrong

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Seen at GunPundit: The country’s new homeland security chief said Friday that the Obama administration is mapping out a crackdown on the flow of firearms smuggled to Mexico’s murderous drug gangs operating along the Texas border. Janet Napolitano said she had directed the Customs and Border Protection service “to find guns going south and interdict […]

Drug cartels, guns and David Spade

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

More from David Rittgers.

Gun Porn

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

AR-57. Custom .50 confiscated in Mexico.

Once more, with feeling

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Looks like the LA Times is the latest to perpetuate the automatic weapons and ammunition are flowing virtually unchecked from border states into Mexico lie. This canard has been debunked many times (here’s one). Meanwhile, Sebastian notes: This narrative has been repeated in so many papers, presented in the exact same manner, you almost have […]

This mythology again

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Machine guns and grenades from the US flood Mexico. Trouble is, those are illegal here too. It’s a trend of the Mexican government to blame the US for all it’s gun issues even though it’s obvious the machine guns are not coming from here. You know what would keep our guns out of Mexico, though? […]

Pantalones defecar histeria

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

My spanglish sucks and that’s google says. Another piece (and recurring theme) in the press is that evil America is sending it’s evil guns across the Mexican border. Here’s one such bit: At least 80 percent of all of the weapons used by drug traffickers in Mexico to kill one another as well as police […]

Holy Crap

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

ATF actually goes after real gun crime! More like that please. Of course, the article is filled with the usual PSH over assault weapons and cop killer handguns, which are illegal in the US. And this is unpossible: “I just learned from Mexican authorities that more law enforcement officers were killed in Mexico last year […]

ABC News lies about guns – again

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

ABC was busted before lying about the impact of the assault weapons ban. ABC news even moderating blog comments that corrected the errors. Well, they’re lying again and the video is here. Confederate Yankee has a lot more: Today, Ross and accomplice Richard Esposito continue that fine ABC News tradition of making up the news, […]

Not a bug, a feature

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

An added bonus to gun ownership is that it may keep the Europeans out: “Mr Le Mière said that the US had fallen down the scale, although it still scored an average of 93 out of 100, partly because of the proliferation of small arms owned by Americans and the threat to the population posed […]

border control

Friday, January 18th, 2008

Mexico is upset that guns are getting into the country. They blame the US, of course. The US recently decided to give trace data to the Mexican .gov. But this is bullshit: Officials said that many of the weapons – including powerful handguns and semiautomatic assault rifles – are purchased legally at shops and gun […]

Kowtow much?

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

The US government has agreed to give access of trace data to Mexico: US Attorney General Michael Mukasey said Mexican police who seized arms could use the system to notify the US who would then target the dealers.

They’re illegal here too

Monday, October 29th, 2007

So, it seems in Mexico, authorities are saying that the guns used in high profile crimes there originate in the US: U.S. Guns Behind Cartel Killings in Mexico Assassins blasted Ricardo Rosas Alvarado, a member of an elite state police force, with a blizzard of bullets pumped out of AK-47 assault rifles. Alvarado crumpled at […]


Thursday, August 16th, 2007

I swear, I just saw this article a month ago, but now a new verion, with more pants shitting hysterics, has popped up in Forbes.  The gist of it is that guns from the United States are the source of most of the guns used in crime in Mexico.   Link to article here. Authorities are […]

Bird feeders

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Or, as I like to call them, target generators. I kid, I don’t actually shoot birds. Well, the flying ones. You know. Update: And, to be clear, I’m pointing out that I don’t like birds. Not that I shoot Mexicans.

That’s really something you have to ask?

Monday, February 5th, 2007

Me and some friends have a weekly [redacted] game. A bunch of guys sitting around drinking and [redacted]. We had one a bit back and one of my friends calls me up and says he’s got another player. I said Great, bring him on. My friend says He’s black. Is that OK? There was a […]

Racially Insensitive Question

Friday, January 19th, 2007

Is there a stereotype about black people’s lawns always looking like shit? Because I’m thinking about starting one. Update: Ok, ok, fine. It’s in bad taste. It’s a joke, get over it. BTW, the Mexicans who live up the street have an immaculate lawn.


Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

Couple days ago, I met a third generation Mexican immigrant (legal). He didn’t speak Spanish. Ok, he said he didn’t.

Jury nullification again

Friday, September 1st, 2006

Balko says he would deceive to be on a jury to nullify a law. Patterico says: I have said I would support jury nullification in extremely rare and desperate situations, where the fabric of our society was falling apart and our laws were inconsistent with basic humanity. For example, I would not convict someone of […]

Another ED loss

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

Continuing the theme of all talk, no action comes news that New Mexico’s Governor vetoed an anti-eminent domain bill: Governor Richardson has vetoed eminent domain legislation. The measure was intended to prevent state and local governments from using their powers to take property for private development projects. Richardson said yesterday a number of community officials […]

Genes passed

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

I love the spicy food. I also happen to have a pretty high tolerance for it. I’ve apparently passed that on to Junior. Last night, we went to a local Ameri-Mexican place (this stuff isn’t real Mexican food) and she started dipping her chips in the salsa, which I would classify as mildly spicy but […]

So, can he buy guns?

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

An insane judge apparently signed a restraining order against David Letterman that was requested by an insane woman: Late last week, a Santa Fe District Court judge signed a temporary restraining order against talk-show host David Letterman alleging he has tormented a city resident for more than 10 years by using code words on his […]


Monday, November 21st, 2005

Cowboys take up AK-47s* to combat Mexican drug runners. And why: Notoriously porous, the border has reached new levels of lawlessness this year as smugglers, known as “coyotes”, have become increasingly brazen, willing to fire on anyone – from border patrols to the likes of Mr McCaslin – who gets in their way *The gun […]

It’s often asked…

Friday, September 9th, 2005

of us gun types: at what point do you start shooting the bastards? The line typically drawn by us gun types is when they come to take our guns. Hence, from my cold dead hands. So, via everyone in the blogosphere it seems, comes this: Waters were receding across this flood-beaten city today as police […]

Oh, Mexico

Wednesday, August 17th, 2005

Et tu, Mexico (see post below): Mexico’s strict gun control laws are contributing to an illegal gun market and easier access to weapons, according to U.S. law enforcement officials that are close observers of a recent upswing in border violence. Since January, more than 600 people have been killed in an ongoing war between rival […]

My daddy always said . . .

Wednesday, August 10th, 2005

you could knock a helicopter out of the sky with a well-placed rock. He would know since he was in four of them when they went down. In New Mexico, someone shot one out of the sky: A Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department helicopter that crashed Saturday in the yard of an Albuquerque home was brought […]


Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Blogs have been all over the para-military, drug forces that switched sides for a while now. Now, some press is picking up on it. Jerry Seper: A renegade band of Mexican military deserters, offering $50,000 bounties for the assassination of U.S. law-enforcement officers, has expanded its base of operations into the United States to protect […]

More drug war stupidity

Friday, May 27th, 2005

Pete reports some pretty disheartening news. The US spent money and resources to train Mexican drug warriors as commandos to stop (i.e., kill) drug dealers. The problem with this is that drugs are lucrative so the commandos switched sides and are headed to the border: a group of rogue Mexican military commandos may be headed […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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