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Politically Incorrect Dog Stuff

An article details how the number of pit bull maulings may be skewed by the breed’s popularity:

But experts disagree about whether pit bulls are inherently more dangerous — or just the latest breed in vogue among irresponsible dog owners.

After all, German shepherds killed more people than any other dog in the late 1970s, when many people favored the breed for its fierce reputation. Then, for two years, it was Great Danes. Rottweilers topped the list of killer dogs through most of the ’90s, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control. Now it’s pit bulls.

Duh. A couple of other smart crackers have been saying that for a while.

4 Responses to “Politically Incorrect Dog Stuff”

  1. trainer Says:

    I met my new neighbor this weekend while walking my border collie. She was YardSale’ng and letting her very large pit bull run free.

    The pup was a 10 year old male she rescued 8 years ago.

    My only danger was getting licked to death by this monster. He liked me so much he would lean his 80+ lbs against me whilst I scratched his back. My border collie was beneath his notice.

    What a baby. My wife still bitches about what went on in Colorado.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    Interesting. I never knew that Great Danes had been on the sh’list before.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    Hey, wait a minute, I can think of at least one other blogger who has so argued… 🙂

  4. SayUncle Says:

    But you’re neither a cracker, nor smart 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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