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The dick joke that will entertain for years

Hehe, he said Boehner.

6 Responses to “The dick joke that will entertain for years”

  1. j.d. Says:

    AT least it isn’t the “o” that is silent…

  2. David Codrea Says:

    It’s a word that we can’t repeat too often:

  3. Dale Says:

    The only problem is that his name is pronounced “BAY-ner”.

    Sometimes a little bit of knowledge goes a long way.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    But it’s spelled boner. And you assume I don’t know that, which is wrong. A little knowledge and all.

  5. Xrlq Says:

    There’s bound to be some dialect out there, somewhere, where “boner” is pronounced “bayner.” As for Boehner, my guess is that it’s probably a German name that was originally pronounced more like “booner” (with “oo” representing the vowel sound in “good,” not “oodles”). A lot of ex-Germans pronounce the “ö” or “oe” in their name “ay” rather than “oo” or “o.” Not sure why.

  6. Xrlq Says:

    Although in Boehner’s case, I can think of a pretty good “why.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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