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Thought this one went away

For a while, the anti-gunners were spreading misinformation about the FN FiveseveN then it went away. Well, now it’s back:

The department issued a safety alert to officers after two men were shot with the gun in Dorchester and Mattapan last week. The alert, obtained by the Globe, warned that the FN Five-Seven handgun fires the bullets at such a velocity that they ”will punch through your vest, PLATE included.”

Yesterday, officers of all ranks expressed concern that the weapon has surfaced in Boston.

”These aren’t recreational weapons,” Police Commissioner Kathleen M. O’Toole said in an interview. ”This is an example of a gun designed to kill people.”

Added one rank-and-file officer: ”The ability to go through a vest . . . it’s just way too dangerous. It’s real scary.”

Of course, the piece doesn’t mention that the FN’s armor piercing ammo is not available to the public.

4 Responses to “Thought this one went away”

  1. Nicolas Says:

    I would like to hear just one person stand up and say, “Why yes, it’s a great man-killer. That’s exactly why I own it. I want to be able to effectively kill BAD PEOPLE who might try to harm my family and me.” That’s what the 2A is about – maintaining freedom and security.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Actually, Uncle, I believe the standard load for the Five-seveN will penetrate a Class IIIA vest, but not one with a trauma plate – just like an icepick can, and for the same reason.

    Once it does, however, it’s only about as powerful as a .22 Magnum. Hardly a great “man-killer.”

    But no one is interested in facts. Hype and hyperbole is all that sells.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, so far folks seem unimpressed with the 5.7 round.

  4. Lyle Says:

    They’re speaking only to the ignorant, without whom they would have zero public support for their advocacy of victim dissarmament.

    They will never tell you for instance that virtually every centerfire rifle cartridge can out perform the 5.7 in terms of penetrating a vest.

    What the 5.7 will outperform (in petetration – NOT “stopping power”) is a pistol or subgun round. That would be the proper comparison.

    In any case, it’s a non-event. It’s the “cop killer bullets” story recycled from the 1980s. Now I wonder when they’ll be rerunning their “plastic guns” story.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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