Ammo For Sale

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Ammo prices

I was unaware that the folks at tracked ammo prices so you don’t have to. Check it out. Arfcom, is there anything it can’t do?

7 Responses to “Ammo prices”

  1. robert Says:

    Hmmmm….anything it CAN’T do? Well, how would we replace the outmoded, outdated, inaccurate, and totalitarian bureaucratic bullsh-t of the BATFU?

    Surely citizens and the internet can do BETTER.

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Dang buggers are caliber-ists…where’s the listing for 7.62×39? Or .308?

    Dang .223 EBR fetishists…

  3. Jay G Says:

    Isn’t 7.62 X 51mm the same as .308?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Yes and no. Short answer, they’re mostly interchangable. Long answer is here.

  5. Jay G Says:

    My head hurts. Please don’t expound on the difference between .223 and 5.56mm right now…

  6. Ron W Says:

    Heartless Libertarian,

    The 7.62×39 ammo has been more scarce and more expensive lately as you probably know. Some say our government is buying it up for whatever reason??? I also read that the bulk order web-sites are all back-ordered in that round.

    An ammo salesman at the recent Tennessee State Fairgrounds gunshow told me it was going to Iran; that Russia, from whence it is imported, is sending it to Iran instead of the U.S. presumably to be used against a war with the U.S.

    I was able to buy a little there for $3.95 for 20 rds. when it had been about $2.75 not too long ago and I have seen it for only $2.00 for 20 a couple of years ago. I did manage to find some Monarch brand at Academy Sports for $2.86 a box just last week, but I got the last few boxes they had.

  7. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I wasn’t really commenting on 7.62×39 in particular. Just that they seem a bit limited in what they report on.

    Of course, it is Emphasis on AR15. The vast majority of which are .223.

    Us milsurp fetishists who have 5+ different calibers represented in our gunsafes…oi, lots of web surfing.

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