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Seems us gun enthusiasts may scare the HR Department:

Then he was interviewed by one last person.

For 40 minutes he was peppered with questions like:

* Do you have a problem anger managment?
* What would you do if you didn’t get the promotion you expected?

5 Responses to “Boo”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    I disagree with his closing assertion. I don’t argue with the fact that gun owners, and particularly gun carriers, are maligned in the general society…. I don’t think it can be fairly compared to what blacks went through. We can hide who we are to some degree, and can operate in urban society without attracting disdain if we wish. A black man in the 50s South couldn’t hide who he was. He couldn’t choose to not be black.

    What we’re going through isn’t right… but it’s not the same.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    He’s had issues before, hasn’t he? Got let go because of his blog or something?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I think joe was but this is about someone else.

  4. Joe Huffman Says:

    Correct it’s not the same as being black. Being gay is probably closer. But no analogy is perfect.

    Three things to expand on.

    One; this was a friend of mine that had the hostile interviewer. Not me.

    Two; if you want to “hide in the closet” you can keep from being known as a gun owner to a certain extent. But if you want to participate in the public debate, compete with guns, or be an instructor you will easily be “found out”. The search engines will find that letter to the editor, the score for the Bull’s-eye league, and your web page for signing up new students.

    And third it turns out someone (and I know who now) decided I should “get the axe” months before they ever started looking at my blog. It was because a friend of theirs worked with me on a project and was scared because I owned guns and was an instructor for concealed carry. They just used my blog (actually it appears it was a picture of me with a pistol in a holster on my hip on my blog) as an excuse to investigate me further. They then found something the content of some of my websites on a work computer that I had donated to a project I was working on. It saved them lots of time and money for me to donate that content and all my coworkers knew about it. Never bother to ask anyone why that content was there, and fired me because I “was hosting personal websites on government computers”. See this email message to the DOE.

    And you know the shitty thing about all that? They may be untouchable for that. I’ve had three lawyers tell me it probably was a felon they committed but since the Federal prosecutors “have better things to do” (yes, that is what they told me), and unless specifically provided for by law, which it isn’t in this case, I don’t have “right of private action” against them.

  5. #9 Says:

    What would you do if you didn’t get the promotion you expected?

    But I really, really, want to work at the Post Office.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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