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Radley says:

David Bernstein is looking for a soundbite definition of libertarianism.

He offers some. Well, it’s not something that’s easy to soundbite and I’m not much at marketing, but here’s some suggestions:

  • Congress shall make no law . . . ’nuff said
  • If it’s not in the Constitution, don’t do it
  • And my favorite (I’ve read it somewhere but not sure where – so no credit and it’s probably paraphrased):

  • It’s the government’s job to protect me from others. I’ll protect me from me.
  • Update: Or for smarminess, I’d say:

  • Libertarianism: because doing nothing is usually the right thing to do.
  • Offer your own.

    15 Responses to “Libertarianism”

    1. AughtSix Says:

      “It’s the government’s job to protect me from others. I’ll protect me from me.”

      Clever, but I know you don’t really believe that… I doubt your Tenn CCW permit is to fend off Uncle’s other, less benevolent personalities. 🙂

      I’m not sufficiently witty to add anything myself, so instead, I’m sniping at yours. Nice of me, huh?

    2. Xrlq Says:

      If it’s not in the Constitution, don’t do it.

      That one works for the federal government but not for the states – unless your ideal involves states passing federal election laws and doing absolutely nothing else. Personally, I prefer “Don’t just do something, stand there!”

    3. tgirsch Says:

      It’s old, but what the heck?

      Libertarianism: Because Republicanism Isn’t Mean Enough


    4. tgirsch Says:

      I also think the various and sundry Volokhs “misunderestimate” the negative connotations associated with the term “libertarian.” I suspect a sizable subset of the population hears “libertarian” and imagines “militia types.” Or even “anarchists.”

    5. gattsuru Says:

      With the new generation, it might be preferable to be an anarchist to a militia type or even a “liberal”, at least saying liberal policies keep being beaten against the new generation’s skull.

      I’d prefer something to distinguish small-l libertarians (the ones who care about more than the legality of pot) from the big-L ones. Maybe something like “Freedomist”? “Bill of Rightist?”


      [quote]Hands off.[/quote]

      [quote]Some men promise to be good masters, but they hope to be masters. Let’s not let them.[/quote]

      [quote]Don’t bug me or mine, and I’ll return the favor.[/quote]

      [quote]Legalize Freedom : Vote libertarian[/quote]

      [quote]Libertarianism – letting people be adults[/quote]

      [quote]Libertarianism : the party for people who can run their own lives better than Ted Kennedy can[/quote]

    6. SayUncle Says:

      Legalize Freedom : Vote libertarian

      I like that one.

    7. Josh Says:

      I always identified with “To each his own, on his own dime.”

    8. chris Says:

      Someone who doesn’t have to defend Republican candidates, but whose vote only matters when he does.

    9. Les Jones Says:

      Whatever happened to “Republicans who’ve smoked dope?”

      Ya gotta decide if you want a definition or a slogan.

    10. Kevin Baker Says:

      Libertarians: The Party of Benign Neglect.

    11. tgirsch Says:


      Bravo! 🙂

    12. pax Says:

      Libertarianism: This is my life. If you don’t like it, go get one of your own.

    13. blounttruth Says:

      If you think voting Democrat or Republican in the ’08 election will solve our problems, then YOU are the problem…

      And my bumper sticker:
      Fighting for freedom is kinda like screwing for virginity.


    14. AughtSix Says:

      Fighting for freedom is kinda like screwing for virginity.

      You’re kidding, right? (Please be kidding — that might be the dumbest argument I can remember hearing) If you’re serious, I’ll give you a justification later.

    15. Xrlq Says:

      Fighting for freedom is kinda like screwing for virginity.

      That’s right up there with “You cannot simultaneously prevent war and keep your laws off my body.”

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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