Today, this blog is four years old. I’ve enjoyed it. Hope you have. It’s also that time of year where I look at the numbers (I’m an accountant, it’s what I do). Here’s some:
Roughly 1,861,000 page views (based on sitemeter, I stopped looking at my internal stat packages months ago but those numbers used to run about 30% higher).
Roughly 1,084,000 visits
420,265 spam comments stopped since last year alone.
Average of 2,451 page views per day.
Average of 1,205 visits per day.
9,309 posts (8,864 are written by me)
1,285,296 words in all posts
1,768,097 words in comments
One opinion piece published in a newspaper.
Five different blog software packages.
13 mentions in dead-tree media (that I know of).
Cost of blogging $739.85 so far
Money made from blogging roughly $3,179.
Hacked once.
Number of times visited by Federal authorities for internet activity directly related to this blog: once
Inbound links from Technorati: 3,245 links from 413 blogs
Inbound links from The Truth Laid Bear: 380 blogs.
Number of blogs I write for: 6
Number of blogs I own: 4
Number of authors at SayUncle: 9
24 Categories broken down like this:
* Blog Matters (1146)
* Building an AK (10)
* Civil Liberties (604)
* Current Events (930)
* Death Match (4)
* Eminent Domain (201)
* Guns (3485)
* Humor (614)
* Incumbent Protection Act (5)
* Knoxville Politics (91)
* Leviathan (216)
* Media Watch (690)
* Notes to Junior (137)
* Notes to Self (277)
* Pets (356)
* Politics (685)
* Pop Culture (220)
* Race Relations (81)
* Recipes (35)
* Science and Technology (91)
* Taxes (133)
* Tennessee News & Politics (842)
* The Issues (177)
* Video (5)
37.4% of posts are gun-related.
Posted in uncategorized on August 30th, 2006
by SayUncle | RSS 2.0 |
August 30th, 2006 at 3:23 am
Many congrats to you, and may you have another four years at leadst to look forward to.
August 30th, 2006 at 4:54 am
Happy blog day!
“37.4% of posts are gun-related”–seems like a conservative tally.
I like how you have blog cost to the penny.
August 30th, 2006 at 8:56 am
Congrats. Four years is a significant milestone.
August 30th, 2006 at 10:04 am
Happy BlogDay, Unc. Hope you’re around for many more.
August 30th, 2006 at 10:33 am
Happy Blogaversary. You realize you’re supposed to come buy a gun to celebrate, right? 😉
August 30th, 2006 at 2:32 pm
Congratulations…I was only able to do it consistantly for like 2 years or something.
So the burning question…..
What are the other 5 blogs that you write for and 3 others that you own? And 9 writers?!?
August 30th, 2006 at 3:18 pm
This one*
the gun blogs*
The Shooters’ Carnival*
the old blogspot blog*
No Silence Here
* blogs I own.
August 30th, 2006 at 5:40 pm
Impressive. Most impressive.
August 30th, 2007 at 9:24 am
[…] is five years old. Wow, that’s old for a blog. I usually run some numbers on the birthdays (here’s last year’s). This year, I’ll do the quick […]