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Happy Birthday To Me err this blog

Today, this blog is four years old. I’ve enjoyed it. Hope you have. It’s also that time of year where I look at the numbers (I’m an accountant, it’s what I do). Here’s some:

  • Roughly 1,861,000 page views (based on sitemeter, I stopped looking at my internal stat packages months ago but those numbers used to run about 30% higher).
  • Roughly 1,084,000 visits
  • 420,265 spam comments stopped since last year alone.
  • Average of 2,451 page views per day.
  • Average of 1,205 visits per day.
  • 9,309 posts (8,864 are written by me)
  • 1,285,296 words in all posts
  • 1,768,097 words in comments
  • One opinion piece published in a newspaper.
  • Five different blog software packages.
  • 13 mentions in dead-tree media (that I know of).
  • Cost of blogging $739.85 so far
  • Money made from blogging roughly $3,179.
  • Hacked once.
  • Number of times visited by Federal authorities for internet activity directly related to this blog: once
  • Inbound links from Technorati: 3,245 links from 413 blogs
  • Inbound links from The Truth Laid Bear: 380 blogs.
  • Number of blogs I write for: 6
  • Number of blogs I own: 4
  • Number of authors at SayUncle: 9
  • 24 Categories broken down like this:

    * Blog Matters (1146)
    * Building an AK (10)
    * Civil Liberties (604)
    * Current Events (930)
    * Death Match (4)
    * Eminent Domain (201)
    * Guns (3485)
    * Humor (614)
    * Incumbent Protection Act (5)
    * Knoxville Politics (91)
    * Leviathan (216)
    * Media Watch (690)
    * Notes to Junior (137)
    * Notes to Self (277)
    * Pets (356)
    * Politics (685)
    * Pop Culture (220)
    * Race Relations (81)
    * Recipes (35)
    * Science and Technology (91)
    * Taxes (133)
    * Tennessee News & Politics (842)
    * The Issues (177)
    * Video (5)

  • 37.4% of posts are gun-related.
  • 9 Responses to “Happy Birthday To Me err this blog”

    1. gattsuru Says:

      Many congrats to you, and may you have another four years at leadst to look forward to.

    2. Brian A. Says:

      Happy blog day!

      “37.4% of posts are gun-related”–seems like a conservative tally.

      I like how you have blog cost to the penny.

    3. #9 Says:

      Congrats. Four years is a significant milestone.

    4. Rustmeister Says:

      Happy BlogDay, Unc. Hope you’re around for many more.

    5. Tam Says:

      Happy Blogaversary. You realize you’re supposed to come buy a gun to celebrate, right? 😉

    6. Manish Says:

      Congratulations…I was only able to do it consistantly for like 2 years or something.

      So the burning question…..
      What are the other 5 blogs that you write for and 3 others that you own? And 9 writers?!?

    7. SayUncle Says:


      This one*
      the gun blogs*
      The Shooters’ Carnival*
      the old blogspot blog*
      No Silence Here

      * blogs I own.

    8. Terry Says:

      Impressive. Most impressive.


    9. SayUncle » Happy Birthday to this blog Says:

      […] is five years old. Wow, that’s old for a blog. I usually run some numbers on the birthdays (here’s last year’s). This year, I’ll do the quick […]

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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