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And then, my age smacked me in the face

While ripping some of my CDs this weekend, I became depressed. See, there’s this one particular CD that kicks ass. I still listen to it a whole lot. I realized, when Windows Media Player put the album info out there, that this album will turn 13 years old this year.

12 Responses to “And then, my age smacked me in the face”

  1. Rustmeister Says:


    Metallica’s what? 23?

  2. BobG Says:

    I’m still listening to The Moody Blues; what’s that, about 40 years?

  3. Cam Says:

    Hey, Korn still knows how to make good music. My wife (age 41) went to go see Korn about four years ago. Besides being hit on by 17-18 year olds, she had a great time.

  4. TD Says:

    Damn, you’re making ME feel old now. I saw them live 12 years ago…

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Heh. I saw them live about then too at the Electric Ballroom. Good show.

  6. Bruce Says:

    You think that’s bad?

    Appetite for Destruction turns 20 this July. I was listening to that when Beatles albums were turning 20. AAAGH!

  7. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I like how the first reviewer in that link gave a nod to Helmet–the band that definitively created that genre.

    There are very few bands today that don’t exhibit a clear line of derivation from Page Hamilton’s style; Korn and Deftones both readily point to Helmet as the driving inspiration behind their playing.

    A Korn/Helmet tour would be insane. Bring earplugs.

  8. jed Says:

    Who’s Korn?

    (He said, noting the Jeff Beck triple-CD boxed set on the shelf.)

  9. triticale Says:

    Beavis and Butthead would be about 27 years old now.

    I’m listening to the third Brandenburg concerto.

  10. Tam Says:

    Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band came out in 1968. Pretty Hate Machine was released in ’89.

    “Head Like A Hole” is older now than “Strawberry Fields” was when we were in high school.


  11. Tam Says:

    …and my birthdays’ coming up in just a couple weeks. Thanks for reminding me how old I am.

    Ya bastid.

  12. JustinB Says:

    “Head Like A Hole” is older now than “Strawberry Fields” was when we were in high school.


    That does sting…I fell old now and I’m only 30…

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