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Gun Blogger Rendezvous Update

Mr. Completely has some room rates and codes. I tentatively plan on going. Who else is going?

12 Responses to “Gun Blogger Rendezvous Update”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    First I’ve heard of it… but I love Vegas…

  2. Bitter Says:

    I agree with Ravenwood, I think it would be much better to have something in Vegas where there’s at least the perception of a lot more to do on a vacation.

    Of course, I will note to you two that the NRA meeting is in Louisville next year. Tons to see, fantastic company for many adult beverages in the evening and guns. Now, granted, I fear Louisville won’t have as much to do in vacation terms, but there’s always lots going on during the show anyway.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    So, are you going?

    Reno has plenty to do and was quite fun. My only complaint is I can’t get a direct flight.

  4. Sebastian Says:

    I’ll probably go, even if she doesn’t 🙂

  5. Bitter Says:

    It’s unlikely I would go. By that time of year, my vacation time will be somewhat limited.

  6. Mr. Completely Says:

    Reno is more “Down Home” and Las Vegas is much more upscale, but there’s lots to do in Reno, too. The Washoe county shooting facility is outstanding, with targets out to 1,ooo yards, and run by a good bunch of folks.

    The real attraction of GBR-II is not the location, though, it’s the gun bloggers themselves. Sitting around a table in the hospitality room with a cold one listening to the conversations between Chris Byrne, JimmyB, Og, US Citizen, Rivrdog, Fodder, John Donovan, Dan McKown, Uncle, and the rest made the entire adventure a total blast.

    Uncle: Maybe this year you’ll hit it big in one of the poker tournaments while you’re there.

    Sebastian: Hope you can make it, too!

    ………. Mr. C.

  7. Fodder Says:

    Fodder and Commandress will be there come hell or high water, er, Lord willing and the river don’t rise.

    Meeting everyone is the real thrill of the event, as Mr. C says. There’s plenty to do in Reno for the brief time we’re there.

    This year, instead of just taking my gear on a tour of the desert, I intend to actually go shooting with the gunbloggers. Really looking forward to that.

  8. USCitizen Says:

    I’m going! (and continuing to wrestle a commitment out of another blogger – ‘kicking and screaming, if necessary’, as well).

    The ante has been upped to:
    1st class airfare: provided
    Accomodations: provided
    Meals: provided
    Drinks: provided

    Am I missing something?

    I hope we can announce a confirmation soon!

  9. Chris Byrne Says:

    Yeah, theres one major problem with vegas, and that’s Clark countys gun laws.

    You cant stay in clark county with a gun for more than 48 hours, without registering it with local pd or county sherrifs.

    I’ll be there in Reno again this year, with Mel.

  10. Chris Byrne Says:

    US citizen, yeah you are missing something. The problem is a personal one with some of the other attendees, and it isn’t going to be resolved any time soon.

  11. jimmyb Says:

    The Missus and I will be there, too.

  12. Ravenwood Says:

    Not sure if I’m going yet. Need to talk to the better half. Octobers are usually pretty busy for me, but it’s at least during a Va. Tech away game so there is a possibility.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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