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Gun Porn

7.5″ Saiga Shotgun. Ordinarily, that is nothing spectacular since these are quite popular. But this one has a suppressor.

4 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. ParatrooperJJ Says:


  2. Jack Says:

    I prefer the ported barrel method over the muzzle can. I built one on a 20 ga single which is quite effective. NFA registered, of course. Don’t try this at home! Jack

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    I really like forums that are sans all the crappy smilies and all the animated gifs.

    You get to skip all that at, but I really, really wish there was a way to expand the entire thread so you can read all the comments without a bunch of mouseclicks.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    SM, try their RSS feed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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