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We’re the only ones . . .

Not sure what’s funnier about this story (short version, porn star gets stopped in TN with drugs. Gets out of ticket by, well, you know. Blogs about it, gets trooper in trouble.):

1 – That the whole concept of it sounds like the plot to a porn movie.

2 – That the trooper wanted to film it.

3 – That Knoxville has another blogging porn star.

4 – That some news coverage actually showed a pixelated blow job.

5 – Or that her blog is what broke the story.

AC says:

It’s not just public officials in the political realm who need to be on notice. Anyone under the color of authority has to ask themselves one question: “Is the person I am dealing with a blogger.”

And it helps to not film yourself doing stupid shit.

Update: And yes, I’ve seen the blog and the pictures. And I have not linked to it, which some say is more class than they expected from me. We here at SayUncle draw the line at nekkid (usually – unless it’s artsy fartsy) and porn (always).

Update: Oh dear. Seems, per Joewho is not above linking who realized his mom might be reading, that she did not get out of the ticket. I guess she really does just love to . . . err, you know. Well, ticket instead of drug charges, I guess.

10 Responses to “We’re the only ones . . .”

  1. Joe P. Says:

    Hey Uncle — she and the KNS story both say she did get the ticket anyway. How bright is that – giving a blow job and still getting a ticket? And I love that the trooper’s middle name is “randy”.

    And yes, I am guilty of linking to the blog … cause, well, it’s Knoxville’s only blogging porn starlet. I do expect to get some grief about that, yeah. However, since reading this post, I am considering dropping that link….

    And my favorite phrase of the week is now “pixelated blow job.”

  2. SayUncle Says:

    well, it’s Knoxville’s only blogging porn starlet.

    Actually, she is not.

  3. Joe P. Says:

    as always, you is most informed, Uncle.

    And yeah, after some thought, I removed the link to the porn blog. It’s just too dang raw and skanky and my mom would kill me if I left the link in.

  4. nk Says:

    The lawyer in me says that if she “still” got the ticket than the officer is being Nifonged.

  5. nk Says:

    P.S. “Mangumed” somehow seems inappropriate.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    the officer is being Nifonged.

    I dunno. What are the rules on getting some on duty? Or using your apparent authority to. Plus, per her blog, she seemed rather irate about not getting out of the ticket. I think if she hadn’t gotten the ticket, she probably would have kept her mouth, err, shut.

  7. Alcibiades Says:

    No linking to a porn page? Shit, where’s countertop when you need him?

  8. nk Says:

    Her site seems to be, err, down. I’ll be checking it periodically for the photographic evidence. In the interests of justice of course.

  9. nk Says:

    Ok, I thought to look at Google cache. Nothing there to show that she didn’t make it all up. A couple of things that make me think she did. I’ll wait for the results of the TSP investigation.

  10. SayUncle Says:

    Could be made up. But easy to look on the officer’s laptop history, I would think.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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