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Maybe I should get one

Hey, did you know you can get a degree in guns? I already have three suffixes after my name, what’s one more?

8 Responses to “Maybe I should get one”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Geeze, and I thought you were just a regular guy.
    Yesterday I learn you live in a 3k sqFt house and have access to the “executive” area of work.

    Today I learn you’ve been in college longer than all of my kids combined.

    Geeze, a highly educated guy from TN.
    Mebbe that Glenn Reynolds Cloning Experiment(R) worked after all….


  2. SayUncle Says:

    I’m a regular guy.

  3. _Jon Says:

    I’m not talking about your bowel movements….

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Big deal, straightarrow,mf, pos, sob are just my three most commonly used suffixes.

  5. Jay G Says:

    I already have three suffixes after my name, what’s one more?


    Unc, that’s scary – so do I. I’m starting to think you’re my brother from another mother… 😉

  6. _Jon Says:

    Hey, with all that moola and dogs, you should get a pool and get photos like this guy did:

    These are some awesome pics of dogs playing in a pool.
    It’s a nice pool, too.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    BS, CPA, what else?

  8. SayUncle Says:

    I guess I have four. Forgot about BS.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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