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Seems whenever those Nashville blog gals get together, there’s cleavage.

9 Responses to “Trends”

  1. Ivy Says:

    And that’s why you oughta try to make it out to one of these shindigs. 😉

  2. SayUncle Says:

    If it weren’t 177 miles, I might.

  3. newscoma Says:

    I’m about 150 miles away and have been to a few. It’s fun.
    Worth the drive, Unc.

  4. LissaKay Says:

    What? Are East TN blog gals too modest? Ya think?

    We’ll have to see about that … June 9, right? 😀

  5. Nashville is Talking » Too Good to Pass Up Says:

    […] Awww, yeah. […]

  6. Lynnster Says:

    Shoot, I’ve driven three hours for a couple of the get-togethers now, it’s totally worth it. Come on down sometime to one, we’d love to all meetcha.

  7. I'm #82 and I totally have SayUncle to thank for that. « the badbadivy experience Says:

    […] at #82. SayUncle must get a shitload of traffic because I’ve gotten a blue million hits since he linked to this post. My attention whore needs have been completely satisfied for the day. Many […]

  8. tgirsch Says:

    Seems whenever those Nashville blog gals get together, there’s cleavage.

    You say that almost as if it’s a bad thing. I like cleavage! 🙂

    While I’m at it, my favorite new blog (based on title alone, NSFW background graphic) is here.

  9. SayUncle » Chicks and guns - bleg Says:

    […] was talking off line with Nashville’s Bad Bad Ivy (known to most of you by her cleavage) about guns. Seems she’s interested in pursuing purchasing a gun. There’s also another […]

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