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Fred Thompson on Gun Control – again

Seems his record isn’t that stellar.

10 Responses to “Fred Thompson on Gun Control – again”

  1. Greg Morris Says:

    My brother and I got into this debate here. Somehow we got side-tracked and started talking about taxes. Ah well.

    I don’t think that list of Fred’s votes indicates that he is anything but a solid second amendment supporter. Sure, he isn’t Ron Paul, but you really have to look at the bigger picture when it comes to those votes.

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    I agree with Greg (and not because he’s offered me some tasty fish). Look at the bigger picture. Was Fred trying to get support for something else by voting this way? Or was he simply voting out of expediency?

    Fred isn’t perfect. He’s not even “great”. But at this point (at least in my opinion) the only viable candidate to run against Hillary! and he’s talking tough on the 2nd now. That means he won’t support any new anti-rights legislation which is fine by me, past history be damned.

    Ron Paul simply will not get elected POTUS. If he runs, he will suck away enough votes from the Republican nominee to put Hillary! into the White House. Of course, if Gulliani or Romney get the nod, I’m not sure there’ll be enough of us “righties” that turn out to vote them in anyway. I know I’d probably just skip it. I’ll be too busy buying ammo and practicing my aim.

  3. me Says:

    Yeah, right on! Guiliani, Hillary or Obama are much better options!

    The enemy of the good is the best.

  4. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    To knock Fred for an appointment of an anti-gun Surgeon General seems fairly petty to me.

    The SG is a completely ceremonial position, dedicated to education about health issues such as cancer or the flu season. That they occasionally overstep their bounds and expound on gun issues is largely irrelevent to their qualifications to the post.

    The expectation that every person has the exact same level of adherence to your pet issues (even when it doesn’t effect their job) is why the Libertarian Party will never win anything on a national scale.

    A shame, that.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    I think it is much ado about not much. But still worth noting.

  6. gattsuru Says:

    Wait, what?

    1 slams him for the BATF funding and NFA sentencing. I don’t like a lot of the BATF’s actions, but they also do a good deal of things that aren’t second amendment violations; BATF funding alone doesn’t prove an anti-second amendment viewpoint. Nor does NFA sentencing, at least if you agree with the NRA’s viewpoint of enforcing existing laws.

    They’ve got some good issues, but jeez, why make up bad ones?

  7. countertop Says:

    Here’s the comment I posted there. This thing is laughable. These anti gun bigots (and thats what they are when they are willing to tangle gun politics with abortion politics – want to bet I find a GOA connection to this site???) don’t deserve any response.

    Oh come on now.

    That site is a crock of shit. Its put out by Kansans for Life. To try and smear Fred Thompson as being anti gun is complete and utter bullshit – though it tends to be par for the course for the entire looney side of the right wing (and that statement is also 100% directed at the dishonest scamsters at GOA – even though I have no proof of their involvement in this site yet)

    To try and mix gun rights with abortion politics is outrageous, and we gunnies need to scream from the tree tops on this.

    All these votes are bullshit. What, he was going to vote no on a bill that passed 92-8??????? Are they crazy??? Do they really want Hillary in office (in the case of the money grubbing lying POSs at GOA, I’d say yes – all the better to fund raise off of).

    Taggants in gunpowder???? Oh yes, like Thompson wanted a national registry of gunpowder. They know, as well as everyone else, that is not what was being sought. Rather it was a (not well thought out) response to the explosives in the Oklahoma bombing.

    You know what . . . its not even worth criticizing the rest . . . they are attacking him because he voted on the nomination of someone to be Surgeon General?? And a judge???? Are they serious????? Does their shit not stink??????? Didn’t we just engage in that battle for the last 6 years, arguing that “elections” matter and the President who won has a right to nominate those he likes to vacancies?????

    Come on know!!!

  8. Blounttruth Says:

    It is very early in the campaign season and there are many opinions of “what if” flying around. For once I feel that there will be a huge surprise as time nears and the full out attack ads come out on Hillary, she has done far too much evil in her life not to have a negative public opinion when it is all said and done. If the corporate owned press would tell the true tell Ron Paul is doing much better than anyone is admitting, pulling in more money than McCain, and having a huge following that will do nothing but grow as the candidate’s start the attack adds on one another. What will they try and use against Paul? That he always does what he says? That he posts his own voting record on his website for all to see? That he follows the rule of law to the letter based on the Constitution? That the Lobbyists fear him? That he is for the people and not special interests? I think that this election will shock many, because the more people I talk to the more are ready for massive change and getting rid of the same ole same ole in Washington…. I may be wrong, but I hope and pray for my children’s sake that I live to see the day when our Constitution is once again the rule of law, and those that are sworn to protect it are not one large group of organized criminals with their hands in our coffers and their personal gain put above our freedom and democracy.

  9. Robb Allen Says:

    And if you send 5 emails telling your friends to vote for Ron Paul, something amazing will happen to you!

  10. gattsuru Says:

    You’ll have no friends.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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