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two left feet

In the mornings, I take the kids to school. My job is to get them ready and all that. This got considerably easier once Junior learned to dress herself.

Occasionally, I get it wrong. See, the other day, I sent The Second to school with two left shoes on his feet. In other news, why do we have two identical pairs of shoes?

Also, Junior likes to wear her pants backwards. I don’t know why. She swears they’re not backwards when you point it out to her. Not sure why she does that either. The other day, she dressed herself. I informed her that her pants were on backwards. She argued a bit and then turned them around. We get in the truck and (as she does almost every morning) she decided she had to go pee. So, unstrap her from the car seat so she can run inside. She gets back to the truck and off we go.

I pick her up after school that day and there’s a note saying her pants were on backwards. So, she tricked me. She swapped her pants when she went to the bathroom and I didn’t think to check.

The school must think I’m retarded.

11 Responses to “two left feet”

  1. guy Says:

    She’s not a budding Kriss Kross fan is she?

  2. bob r Says:

    I’d just tell the school that that’s the way she likes to wear them. As the “wearer” it would seem to be her decision as to what is “backwards”. Just another (very small) example of the school trying to push conformity.

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    Ah, the joys of parenthood. I know them well! 🙂

  4. chris Says:

    tell them that in light of public schools in various parts of the country recently ruling that cross dressing was something that should be allowed in school… your kid can wear them however she chooses

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    I guess that the schools are just prepping the kids to be ready for prison. The hard boyz in prison LOVE it when their bitches wear their pants backwards…..

  6. fire Says:

    Now that is adorable. A little chick with a mind of her own. I love it!

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Junior knows you are retarded. They all know that about their parents.

  8. Justthisguy Says:

    This might matter, if she were a boy. As it is, it’s just silly.

    Oh, and Rivrdog is hereby penalized 10 yards for unnecessary grumpiness.

  9. nk Says:

    It’s just a phase she’s going through. My daughter “acquired a sense of fashion” at about four and a half and picked her clothes totally inappropriately for weather, color coordination or fit. We had a heck of a time getting her to give up last year’s grungy, too-small jacket for the new one. She’s almost six now and she seems to be past it.

    Caveat: As long as there’s nothing that’s making her uncomfortable. Little girls go through phases like that, too. The pants that fit perfectly last month might chafe now. And she is not taking bubble baths, is she?

  10. SayUncle Says:

    Nah, she digs the bubble bath still.

  11. nk Says:

    Bubble baths can give little girls irritations *down there*. Our pediatician has recommended against them. (That’s why I mentioned it.)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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