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Fun fact

The Uncle household contains 14 trash cans.

I don’t know why but last night I decided to count them.

Update: I mentioned it to the wife. I was wrong. We have 16.

Update: Up to 17 now if you count the one under the shredder.

13 Responses to “Fun fact”

  1. ColtCCO Says:


  2. Justin Buist Says:

    I suddenly feel a little bit closer to normal.

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Tomorrow you will begin labeling them.

  4. D2k Says:

    6 and two litter boxes

  5. mike w. Says:

    …. and how many spam cans? More than 14?

  6. Les Jones Says:

    Eight indoor plus a Diaper Genie and a litterbox.

    P.S. We moved the litterbox right next to the cat door. Result: the cats haven’t used the litterbox since. Woohoo!

  7. Rustmeister Says:

    I don’t know what concerns me more, the fact that you have 16 trash cans, or the fact that you counted them.

    Been watching Monk reruns? šŸ™‚

  8. Papa Ray Says:

    Well, having trash cans is one thing. How often you have to empty them is quite another.

    We have only 6, 4 small, 1 medium and 1 large (in the house).

    But the weird and awful thing is, they have to be emptied EVERY DAY.

    Why, well because they are full.

    I read somewhere, something about Americans generating more trash than anyone in the world.

    If you go by what my house generates…they are right.

    Papa Ray

  9. Regolith Says:

    I think there’s four in my apartment. One in the kitchen, one in the bathroom, one in my room, and one in my brother’s room.

    I think there’s only 9 in my parent’s house.

    What in the heck could you need 16 trashcans for? There ought to be a law against that. Licensed city sanitary engineers are the Only Ones trained enough to handle that much trash. What, are you going to start a war against trash? Trying to compensate for something? Trashcans are only good for one thing: killing trash. šŸ˜€

  10. Dr. Strangegun Says:

    The Doc’s household has four, and I still struggle to fill a 13 gallon bag every week.

  11. Fox Says:

    Two in the office, one for random crap and one for the shredder… one in the bathroom… and one in the kitchen.

    I also have a habit of leaving empty boxes near my door, which tends to make a pile before I get around to taking them out.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    Crap. forgot the one on the shredder. 17!

  13. Magus Says:

    Nuff said.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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