On the Democrat Debate that I did not watch
If I understand all the yammering on the blogs, it seems those who vote Democrat are upset over the recent Hillsy v. Barack 867-5309 Obama debate. It seems (and, once again, I did not watch) that the moderators focused on issues such as whether or not Hillary Clinton is a liar because she misspoke about taking sniper fire; and whether or not Barack A-Wop-bop-a-loo-op a-lop-bam-boo Obama really looks down on gun-toting, religious crackers (one blog, and I forgot where, called it Crackerquiddick – heh). You know, unimportant things.
See, they did this instead of focusing on the issues. Which is apparently code for repeat prepared statements about diversity and hope and change and compassion and Free Health Care that we’ve all heard at least 17 times already this week. You know, real debate! At this point, the two differ on their views about as much as two guys on death row have differing opinions about the death penalty.
April 18th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
Well, you missed gems such as “Do you think Rev. Wright loves America as much as you do?”
April 18th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
that one is pretty bad.
April 18th, 2008 at 12:15 pm
Hillary Clinton expressed support for 2nd Amendment rights, but when asked about the D.C. gun ban where she lives…she said she didn’t know and declined to say whether residents there should be allowed to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. The inquisitor, George Stephanoplis, asked her that, but he should ahve asked, Senator Clinton, you lvie in D.C. and are protected by guns. Shouldn’t the resident citizens there also have right to choose to acquire and keep guns for their protection…like you?? Clinton said states and localities should be able to do what they need to do (gun control) for safety, but she said she would push for a new federal AWB which would impose (gun control) on states and localities…totally contradictiory.
Obama also ducked and dodged on the issue…denying his advocation of a national ban on private handguns…on the survey with his signature. He did express support for “common sense” gun laws and cited the high crime rate in Chicago…where they have very strict, well beyond “common sense” gun control. Once again, totally cotradictory…more gun control results in more crime.
These candidates are a joke…a bad one on us if elected!!!!
April 19th, 2008 at 11:44 am
I didn’t see the debate either, but according to The Daily Show‘s coverage (it must be true!), the first substantive question came 63 minutes into the two hour debate. It was a question about the economy, which Snuffaluffagus prefaced by saying it’s “the number one issue” for the voters — err, if it’s the number one issue, why did you wait until the debate was more than half over to ask about it?
Stewart’s joke was great, though: “To be fair, Eddie Money doesn’t open his concert with Two Tickets To Paradise.”