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I’m confused

I thought it was a good thing to be all Constitutional, militia, in your face, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and talking about shooting the bastards? So, how does that deflect from the content of the letter? It’s almost like you’re saying don’t scare white people, or something.

2 Responses to “I’m confused”

  1. David Codrea Says:

    Oh, that’s easy when you realize they selectively edited his letter to omit the lion’s share of content and presented that last out of proper context. You do agree that context can be important, don’t you? The letter, incidentally, was addressed to the reporter, cc’d to the editor, along with other emails from myself, the producers of the Waco DVDs, and others, with the intent of telling them they owed their readers a retraction. That they chose to present it as a heavily edited letter to the editor was their choice.

    Here’s what confuses me: Why isn’t your publicly-expressed concern extended in part to what the newspaper did and to the fact that they won’t issue a retraction?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Why isn’t your publicly-expressed concern extended in part to what the newspaper did and to the fact that they won’t issue a retraction?

    Because I was unaware of any of that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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