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Digital Brownshirts

Barack Iko! Iko! an de’ Obama’s crack team of cybernauts will not have you poking fun of their messiah!

10 Responses to “Digital Brownshirts”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    I know this is hard for capitalists to grasp, but there is a concept called intellectual property rights, and when you violate them for a profit, that is illegal.

    The Obama logo is copyrighted, but distributed for non-profit use, if you want to make a logo to print out on your computer, that is fine, but if you want to make a bumper sticker that is sold for a…drum roll please…profit, that is against the law.

  2. Tam Says:

    So the political cartoonist in the paper here that used the famous O in a cartoon, he didn’t get paid for that one?

    Sean, you’re a moron.

  3. Sean Braisted Says:


    I’m not the one who is violating the law and complaining about people calling me on it.

    Newspapers have a different standard than people who make bumper stickers to sell. That you can’t grasp this concept shows a fundamental misunderstanding of copyright law.

  4. drstrangegun Says:

    Hrmm. After spending a good while on wikipedia’s entry on “fair use” it seems to me ‘nO’ stickers would fall under effective parody, much like Sean’s opinion does.

  5. Sean Braisted Says:

    U.N.L.E.S.S. Y.O.U. S.E.L.L. I.T. O.N. A. C.O.M.M.E.R.C.I.A.L. W.E.B.S.I.T.E.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    I’m aware that zazzle has intellectual property concerns. But that doesn’t make the Digital Cybernauts any less douchebags.

  7. Sean Braisted Says:

    Yeah, meanies…why won’t they let someone use their copyrighted material to attack them for profit?

  8. Captain Holly Says:

    Uncle, you forgot to capitalize “Messiah”.

    Dirty Infidel. 😉

  9. drstrangegun Says:

    So what you’re saying Sean, is that any particular piece of parody may only be offered up at no cost or economic benefit to the author?

  10. Bobby Says:

    I didnt know mad magazine was free, sean! WOW

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