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Chicks and guns

Rightwing Sparkle:

See what Obama has done? He has taken a pro-gun control Republican who never liked guns at all and made me a gun owner, gun rights, and gun carrying anti-gun control chick.

Well, there is a reason he’s Employee of the Month.

Update: From Bitter in comments: But…but…the Brady Bunch says only current gun owners are buying. They made it clear in press release after press release that these aren’t new buyers. How could they be wrong?!? Heh.

6 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. Bitter Says:

    But…but…the Brady Bunch says only current gun owners are buying. They made it clear in press release after press release that these aren’t new buyers. How could they be wrong?!?

  2. Lornkanaga Says:


    Please note that RWS stated she already had a .45, which was given her — the new gun is the first one she ever bought. Therefore, RWS was already among the “previous gun owners,” so they were right. However, she *is* a first-time gun buyer, so they are wrong too.

    Someone’s working double-time today to confuse me (sigh).

  3. SayUncle Says:

    and someone is working overtime to pick nits đŸ˜‰

  4. Bitter Says:

    No kidding. Besides, Sebastian just put up a post with interviews with first time gun buyers. So it still works.

  5. Lornkanaga Says:

    Sorry. Didn’t mean to pick so many nits.

    I’ll go crawl over to the corner over there and be quiet like a good little girl.

  6. Linoge Says:

    Bah. Beat you to it. And if you want a “real” first-time gun-buyer, William Teach would suffice.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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