SHOT Round Up
On Tacticool:
I did the tactical/homeland security/law enforcement section for the better part of the day. The upsurge in interest in anything related to the “tactical world” is nothing short of amazing. There are an untold number of vendors that specialize in clothing. You can’t count the number of rig, pack, and sling manufacturers. I won’t even get into the weapons systems that are being promoted by both major and minor armament dealers. I have seen, handled, and disassembled more suppressors today, than in my whole life previous to the shot show.
Seriously, what IS new?
OK, maybe I’m jaded. Maybe after coming to seven SHOT Shows in as many years, the impact just isn’t what it was. I mean, I see all the signs up there over these products proclaiming “NEW FOR 2009!”, but when I look, I think I mostly see the same old things. As my new friend and temporary roommate, Albert Rasch said, “how many ways can you slice a piece of cheese?”
I suppose if I were more into “black rifles”, I’d be pretty fired up over all the things that are going on out there. The tactical and law enforcement area is hopping and running over into the rest of the Convention Center. Heck, even Woolrich is getting in on the tactical market!
Big round up at
Lots of video reports here.
Glock to make 10mm versions of their SF pistols.
Speaking of Glocks, an Aimpoint mount for them.
The Glock carbine kit. Would require an NFA tax stamp. But pretty cool.
What everyone really wants to see: Booth babes. More here.
Cool gizmo you want but cannot have: Knights Armament Chain SAW. Speaking of, ’nuff said.
January 19th, 2009 at 10:09 am
Definition of “tactical”: Used to shoot civilians.
January 19th, 2009 at 10:10 am
I thought it meant black and expensive.
January 20th, 2009 at 9:34 pm
Only if they’re naughty!