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In Orchard Park, a man walked right through an order of protection and beheaded his wife. Said man, being olive-skinned, may have committed an honor killing. This is particularly bad in light of his day job: Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.

KAG ponders the differentiation between domestic violence and honor killings. Personally, don’t care if there’s a difference. A murderous psychopath is a murderous psychopath.

Update: And If a Mormon had done this, it would be all over the news. Or a Baptist.

16 Responses to “Terrible”

  1. 6Kings Says:

    What?! He wasn’t stopped by the order of protection?!

    When you cannot realistically enforce the law, is it really worth the paper it is written on? I think not.

  2. David Says:

    Well, you see, he should be able to raise the legal defense of cultural differences.

    “It’s like an insanity plea,” according to the law professor in the article below. That of course raises the question of why society should tolerate insane cultural traits, but I suppose that’s another topic.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    If the victim had been a Mormon or a Baptist, it would be all over the news.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    that too. the press likes them some dead white girls.

  5. Lyle Says:

    I’m with David; You just have to learn to be more tolerant of other cultures. Who are you to judge others, Man?

    All I can say is; it’s sure a good thing she didn’t have a gun, ’cause that would only have escalated the violence.

  6. Chris Bennett Says:

    Bet you’d never guess this one. In New York State, it’s illegal to own, possess, or even touch a handgun without a .gov permission slip/pistol permit. In Erie County, (of which orchard park resides in), this permit is likely to come with ‘target/hunting only’ restrictions, thereby forbidding CCW.

  7. Chris Bennett Says:

    Oh yea, and the last quote I received from the Pistol Permit Clerk office about the status of my permit, I was told I had at least a 6-8 month lead time.

  8. Ron W Says:

    The media can’t make too big a deal outta this since i would impugn multi-culturalism. The importation of Islam must continue even though they SAY we’re fighting a war on terrorism. Oh well, that’s right, no enemy is named, just a tactic of an enemy which so far is almost exclusively from Islam.

    BTW, the “stimulus” bill includes $20 million to bring in an re-setttle Palestinan “refugees” in the U.S. ….that’s not “change”, it’s more of the same going all the way back to Bush senior bringing Iraquis in after the Gulf War and settling them around the country.

  9. anon Says:

    Why would it be all over a Baptist?

    (yes, I see that tgirsch caught it first…)

  10. Xrlq Says:

    KAG’s attempts at cultural equivalence are revolting. The very name “honor killing” sums up the difference between our cultures pretty well: our thugs are marginalized, while theirs are honored.

  11. Xrlq Says:

    If the perp had been anything other than a Muslim, it would be all over the news.

    There, fixed the fix for you.

  12. Robb Allen Says:

    our thugs are marginalized

    Since when? There’s an entire music industry built around being a thug. Thuggery is fine if you’re a star quarterback or wide receiver.

    Thug it up long enough, you can even get elected.

  13. _Jon Says:

    A link back to Glenn! That’s funny….
    I wonder if you crashed his server….

  14. Number9 Says:

    If a middle aged white guy did this it would be on Oprah. And in every newspaper in this country.

    Wait, there is breaking news.

    This is a moral outrage. Right?

  15. Robert Says:

    Islam shouldn’t be supported any more than cannibals would be by a modern culture.
    Think of muslims as the Klan, but without the the Klan’s cultural sensitivity.

  16. B Smith Says:

    Well, the guy contacted police and reported her death, she was found at his place of business (and the article didn’t SAY he carried her there, alive or dead), so I’d say without anything else, ‘honor killing’ is still conjecture at this point.
    That said,I am about as sensitive to this guy’s ‘culture’ as he was to his wife’s right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We have our own culture here in America, and those rights are recognized in our highest law. If you wish to live under Sharia, you have only to emigrate—there is nothing holding you here.
    Fascists,Communists (and other socialists): Same goes for you. We have flights daily.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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