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Chrysler: Union to own a majority stake in the automaker

Whip: Workers Take Over the Means of Production

15 Responses to “Chrysler: Union to own a majority stake in the automaker”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Funky link, dude. Goes Nowhere. Much like Congress.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    d’oh. fixed.

  3. Nate Says:

    Wasn’t there a company in Atlas Shrugged that did something like this? A “workers paradise” type of place….I remember it going quite well in the book too….

  4. Yosemite Sam Says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they renamed Chrysler and called it the Twentieth Century Motor Company.

    Did Rand have a time machine or something? Wow

  5. Crucis Says:

    Didn’t Marx (not Groucho either) have some comments along that line?

    And yes, that was the Twentieth Century Motor Company mentioned in Atlas Shrugged.

  6. Nate Says:

    That’s right. Man, soon I think we will see anti-Dog eat Dog laws and Directive 10-289…fun times we’re living in ain’t they?

  7. Matt Groom Says:

    That’s why my next car will likely be a Mahindra.

  8. Mikee Says:

    The only real problem I see here is that they will still be making Chryslers. This is not a business plan which has any chance of success, no matter who runs the show.

    Perhaps after the union takes over they should just loot the pension fund and forget about making Chrysler a better company. They seem pretty good at that already.

  9. Madrocketscientist Says:

    Seems like a win-win to me (provided there are no Dog-Eat-Dog laws made).

    Either the Union continues to act like a bunch of spoiled children who think that the corporation is a big piggy bank for them to rob until the company dies, or they grow up and come to realize that health of the company is directly related to the health of their livelihoods, and they start acting responsible.

    Employee owned companies do exist and are successful.

  10. comatus Says:

    Madrock, could work, provided that the new, retrenched employee-owned company does not have to pay for the monthly pensions and health-care costs of all those generations of retirees. None of those plans are fully funded. The real rip-off here happened decades ago.

    UAW this, UAW that, I don’t relish the thought of people who’d been strongly led to believe that their working life was over, being compelled by “circumstance” over which they had no control to sell off their property and (try to) find jobs in their late years. Same token, why do taxpayers need to take over those obligations? We don’t seem to have learned much in three generations. Didn’t we pass a bunch of laws, and establish a bunch of regulating boards, and all?

  11. _Jon Says:

    There’s a big difference between a “union owned” company and an “employee owned” company.

  12. nk Says:

    Yup. I believe United Airlines has been employee-owned for quite a while. My “company” was employee-owned, too. I had both a lazy worker and an exploitave boss. I was both of them.

    Seriously, what’s important is whether they can sell the stuff they make at a profit. Communism is not in production, it’s in the market.

  13. comatus Says:

    Oyez, ‘further research reveals’ that the owner will not be the union and its membership per se, but the union’s (separate) retirement fund. That’s just another fund owner, and we’ve seen the impact of fund administrators on boards and CEO’s already. No hope here. I take it back–it can’t work.

  14. countertop Says:


    Sounds familiar. Wasn’t there another titan of American industry that was taken over by the workers union and government (albeit the state government) some years ago???

    Why yes. Colt.
    Wonder how they’ve fared since then. Seems to me AR15s and 1911s are still two of the best selling guns out there.

    Oh wait – you mean politicians engaged in business planning and Colt lost pretty much the entire share of that market?

    Wonder if Chrysler faces the same future.

  15. _Jon Says:

    Well, considering Chrysler and GM have rolled over and become Socialist puppies, anyone wanting to buy from an American owned, non-government car company has fewer choices….

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