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Is it just me

Or does this Glock appear to have an external hammer?

11 Responses to “Is it just me”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    That kinda looks like a sling point attached to the slide cover plate.

  2. Buffboy Says:

    Wizardpc, Uh huh, that’s my first thought too. Then I thought, how’s that gonna work?

  3. Mr Fixit Says:

    Is it one of those ISPC type slide rackers attached to the cover plate?

    Mr Fixit

  4. SayUncle Says:

    i guess you would need a means of racking the slide remotely.

  5. ATL Says:

    Is this Massachusetts compliant? LOL!

  6. Ry Jones Says:

    It is either the sling plate, the cocking handle, or an aftermarket full-auto mod. It’s relatively easy to make a glock full-auto, and when you do, it looks like that.

  7. Brian Says:

    Looks like this doo-dad of questionable worth.

    Might come in handy with the around-corner setup.

  8. wizardpc Says:

    I do believe Brian has found it.

  9. Les Jones Says:

    The bottom of that page has teh wacky for Glock accessories.

  10. mariner Says:

    That was like looking at a drawing of M.C. Escher: “That CAN’T be right!”

  11. Sean Galt Says:

    Bah. Cocking handle on a Glock needs to fold, like on some FALs. Everyone knows that!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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