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Cheeseburger and a homing device

Secret service temporarily confiscates cell phones of patrons when Michelle Obama goes out for a burger. My first thought was I would not comply with the request. Apparently, I’m not the only one.

18 Responses to “Cheeseburger and a homing device”

  1. Paul Says:

    I would have to weigh my need for a camera phone (low) with my need to see Michele (lowerer). I guess for me this would be a non issue as I really could care less if I ever see either her mug or her husbands on anything more than a wanted poster.

  2. nk Says:

    That is illegal in so many ways that it’s not funny.

  3. nk Says:

    Who the #$%^ do these jumped Chicago hacks think they are?

  4. nk Says:


  5. SayUncle Says:

    Chicago politicians?

  6. Bob S. Says:

    So much for respecting Constitutionally protected freedoms, eh?

    Wish someone would file a suit against the “temporary taking” without compensation.

  7. nk Says:

    Err, no. It’s a violation of civil rights, including but not limited to, the Fourth Amendment.

    And I’m still thinking on it, but since this is Michelle I’m tending towards “Klingon Princess”.

  8. Spook45 Says:

    My thought is that if she wants to be somewhere that is cell free, she can go some fucking where else. I am a Citizen of The United States of America, my rights are ……MINE Fuck that stupid BITCH and her Communist husband. I think that conveys it pretty clearly.

  9. Ron W Says:

    We’ve been letting the government and especially the feds run over the Constitution for a long time…so what do you expect?

    Besides regularly violating the Bill of Rights (1st 10 Amendments) “the equal protection of the laws” in the 14th Amendment is a joke now.

    “The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether
    man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.” –Thomas Jefferson

  10. Flighterdoc Says:

    Somebody tell the first (w)itch that it was an inauguration, not a coronation. Or a resurrection.

    And just what authority did the USSS have for illegally confiscating (however short a time) private property?

  11. Fox Says:

    If I were a conspiracy theorist (and I’m not, regardless of disliking the government I work for) I’d be wondering what they did with the phones while they had them. There’s a large number of spyware programs that can be loaded onto a phone rather quickly.

  12. Ron W Says:


    Most everything, especially in the political realm, happens by conspiracy, which is two or more people conspiring to plan, purpose and carry out an action.

    “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was
    planned that way.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt

    To me, some of the more absurd theories of polity are those which assert a single person acting alone or something happening by accident.

  13. Flighterdoc Says:

    Ron W makes a good point.

    So, we have the USSS engaging in a CRIMINAL conspiracy (under the color of authority).

    Since there were more than 4 individual crimes (violating the individual civil rights of the people who they shook down) that would also qualify, I believe, for a RICO enhancement. The two qualifying federal crimes:
    Extortion, terrorism, theft, fraud (take your pick).

    Now, the treble damages may not be much of a payback, but the 20 years in the pen (for each of the USSS thugs that did these things) plus a $250K fine (and since, by definition breaking the law isn’t part of their job, it’d be out of their own pockets) might get their attention.


  14. Ron W Says:


    Thanks, and you make some excellent legal points. But I think the violated indviduals would be highly unlikely in finding a court to apply those laws according to “the equal protection of the laws” (14th Amendment) since the criminal actions were done for the benefit of the elite ruling class…who we’ve allowed to be above the law for a long time.

  15. nk Says:

    “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” I think this is an impeachable offense.

  16. workinwifdakids Says:

    I’d tell them, “As soon as you put your order in writing, I’ll comply under duress.”

  17. Dixie Says:

    “Can you guys legally take my phone?”
    – “YES WE CAN!”

    Also, wouldn’t this (technically) be equivalent to wiretapping? Didn’t at least one phone ring while the phones were in hock?

  18. Tom Says:

    Maybe the war that shall not be named was in play here?

    The “insurgents” in the country we “invaded for oil” were making IEDs triggers out of cell phones, were they not?

    Seems like a mighty stupid thing for the SS to do in that case as the phone itself could be the bomb. Yeah it’s a long shot, but google cell phone gun.

    I’d rather the First Sasquatch be back in her racist america hating church paling around with domestic terrorists then becoming some kind of martyr to the red left.

    As for the kids, leave at home with her mom if she doesn’t want them to be in pics. Perhaps she’s not proud of carry out.

    Lady Obomber may not be as big a tw_t as some would first suspect, perhaps just an overly paranoid linebacker in drag.

    Unconstitutional as all hell if you ask me, but knowing the company they’ve kept and how some on the left aren’t too keen on their yet to be kept timeline I’d be worried too.

    Ok, I keep trying to find some kind of justification, even the comment I grabbed from over there doesn’t cut it for me. She’s nobody, and beyond the possibility for kidnapping or blackmail she carries no weight in society. F her and the donkey her husband rode into DC on.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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