No time for ‘good taste’ in politics
doesn’t good taste dictate that ObamaCare advocates wait at least one business day before using Ted Kennedy’s death to agitate for health care reform?
As Wellstone’s untimely death showed, never waste a tragedy.
August 27th, 2009 at 11:22 am
Ted Kennedy is a perfect example of what would happen under Obamacare. First, a “regular” person would never have received the treatment Teddy received when his condition was made public after his collapse as a “regular” person that age and that condition would have been considered too old and having too many other ailments to have such an expensive procedure. Second, as an “elitist” Kennedy would have been first-in-line to receive such treatment, bumping out any “regular” people in similar, or even more dire, need.
August 27th, 2009 at 11:34 am
I think it’s a great idea to name the nationalization of healthcare after an obese alcoholic. Naming it after a miserable failure will give it just the right kind of “sexiness” it needs – to fail miserably.
August 28th, 2009 at 3:18 am
One of Ted Kennedy’s signature issues was universal healthcare and ensuring that everyone would have health care. You speak as if there is something so horrifically bad about that idea. Sorry if you feel that healthcare should only be available to those with the means to afford it…perhaps we should go back to the days of private fire fighting companies too.
August 28th, 2009 at 8:26 am
Manish, nice strawman you built there.