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Idiots with guns

Major case of teh st00pid breaks out at about 7:45:


Update: Video yanked.

31 Responses to “Idiots with guns”

  1. Pete Says:

    Darwin was seen lurking in the bushes awaiting his next customer in the video.

  2. TXGunGeek Says:

    You had to wait for 7:45 for a major case of the stoooopids? Pretty much starts as major case and gets worse from there.
    I think what you meant to say was they shouldn’t be allowed to breath or breed after 7:45.
    What a major waste of my oxygen! Not to mention perfectly good ammo.

  3. Number9 Says:

    According to the YouTube page it was staged.

    “its fake retard. blank guns and computer altered footage. wow u people need to calm down”

    Hard to say. Clearly some rounds are live, or appear to be. The spray can looked to be hit with a .22. The shot guns appeared real.

  4. Texas Jack Says:

    Looks to me like the major stupid starts about 0:50 in and continues throughout. The girl (if she’s not drinking any of that beer, and I’d bet not) looks to be the only sane shooter in the bunch – careful aim, very little rapid fire, good grip & stance. Probably more intelligent than the rest of those slobs combined.

  5. Rex Says:

    Girl was pretty hot though.

  6. Jim W Says:

    I saw stupid a long way before 7:45.

    Also, those weren’t blanks because the rounds were throwing up dust when they hit the berm. They were idiots and didn’t think they would be called out after posting it on youtube.

  7. Spook45 Says:

    The hot little chick seems to be the only one with ANY since at all she doesnt have much or she wouldnt be hanging those real obvious prize winners. BLOODY ROCKET SCIENCE I SAY!

  8. Turk Turon Says:

    What an unbelievable display of stupidity. As I was watching I thought, “Holy crap! The only thing they haven’t done yet is shoot at someone downrange.” And then, as if they were reading my mind…

    Blanks? I don’t think you can “bump-fire” an AR-15 with blanks – not enough recoil, even with a muzzle restrictor.

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    I think TehStoopid starts with the music, from 0:0…

  10. Jim W Says:

    Well I managed to narrow down their location to Garfield, NJ. The video poster owns a blue porsche 944 and was apparently a customer of Belfi’s autobody to get his 80s Capri repaired.

  11. Number9 Says:

    If these are Guidos, it explains a great deal. NJ is an alternative universe.

  12. Caleb Says:

    …sigh. Sometimes I just want to say “fuck it, maybe the Brady campaign is right.” I mean jesus herbert, first there’s the beer, then the bumpfiring, then he shoots at some guy while he’s downrange, then he muzzles the camera with a shotgun, then he shoots at another guy, and it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on all to the beat of some pretty shitty music.

  13. Caleb Says:

    Also, I can still view the video on my iPhone.

  14. ben Says:

    I also can still see it on my iPhone. Strange.

  15. Jay Says:


    since I didn’t get to see it, what did I miss?

  16. John Says:

    Any chance someone can mirror it? I didn’t the chance to check it out before the user pulled it… 🙁

  17. SayUncle Says:

    Linky doo

  18. Jay Says:

    Thanks for the link.

    After watch that, I think you should have to take an IQ test instead of form 4473.

  19. Jim W Says:

    With information, link to arfcom thread and annotations.

  20. Rabbit Says:

    Somebody should have posted a whale-ass warning around 8:10, too. I’m still getting over a batch of past-date hamburger and that was cruel of you to pull on a semi-invalid. Nearly chummed my keyboard, I did.


  21. Crotalus Says:

    Whole lotta stoopid in that video, although I think the bumpfiring is a pretty cool trick, provided it’s done safely. What’s wrong with it, other than it’s a waste of ammo?

  22. straightarrow Says:

    my bet is they were probably only ones.

  23. Jay Says:

    He has deleted his youtube account.

  24. USCitizen Says:

    That was no bump fire – ATF is probably on the phone.

  25. Finneous Says:

    Thanks to the link from the arfcom thread. Nothing more can be said that hasn’t already been said other than this: I think I may have thrown up in my mouth a little watching the whale moobs jiggle while tubby was working the shottie.

  26. workinwifdakids Says:

    USCit: how sure are you on that, and how can you tell?

    Seems to me that if he always goes to hip for “auto,” then it’s prolly bump-fire.

  27. dave Says:

    Can someone toss up a link to the arf thread?

  28. dave Says:

    Uh, scratch that, I found it. My google-fu is strong =/

  29. B Smith Says:

    “Why is the rum gone” (Jack Sparrow)
    Am I the only one who suspects that, since there was no actual footage of anyone actually DRINKING the beer, these assholes just brought it along for some kinda expensive targets? I mean, anyone that f—ing stupid is dumb enough to film themselves drinking on a range, amiright? And one six-pack AIN’T gonna last among those fat f—ers.
    Are these mental giants even old enough to drink? Or can they simply not handle the stout kick of Coors Light?

  30. Inebriated Arsonist Says:

    Given the stupidity featured in previous Youtube videos, I had to wonder just would qualify as “a major case of teh st00pid,” and skipped to that part of the video. I almost did a spit take at the sight of that idiot holding a gun to another person’s head. And that’s not even as bad as the next part where the same moron shoots at the ground next to someone else. My god, the stupidity.

  31. Robert Says:

    I’m certainly glad the video is down. This is the kind of video that got me posting videos on Youtube showing proper gun technique and competition at the blackfork6 channel.

    I hope they DON’T get hurt and that they learn basic safety practices.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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