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Like that time when the Beltway Sniper was on the loose?

Reports of Maryland State Police questioning citizens about the firearms they legally own. Anyone heard anything?

Well, the Maryland Police have done it before.

And this is why I’m not keen on registration.

11 Responses to “Like that time when the Beltway Sniper was on the loose?”

  1. Chas Says:

    Put up resistance!

  2. deez Says:

    people have been talking about it here:

  3. deez Says:

    oops, make it

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    They don’t want to register our guns…they just want universal background checks!

    You have nothing to fear, it’s just a nice shower!

  5. Huck Says:

    “Rather than do background checks on citizens, including reporters, would it not be more in keeping with the spirit of our Constitution to do CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS ON POLITICIANS?”

    Hell, Capital hill and the white house would be empty if that happened!

  6. Lyle Says:

    “…Capital hill and the white house would be empty if that happened!” Sounds good to me. Things would run far more smoothly.

  7. mikeb302000 Says:

    This is one of the inconveniences LAWFUL gun owners should be willing to accept. Background checks on every transfer, licensing of owners and registration of guns would virtually stop the flow of guns into the criminal world. That’s not to say the police should or would abuse their power, that’s another discussion. That’s just to say, guns which are used in crime today, should never have slipped into the criminal world. The way things are now, the legal gun community can’t seem to secure their weapons properly.

    I’ve heard the argument that guns would still come into the country with the drug shipments. I agree, but they wouldn’t make up for all the guns that are now so easily passing from the hands of legal gun owners to the hands of criminals.

  8. straightarrow Says:

    Mikeb, it isn’t one of the inconveniences I am willing to accept. You should be willing to accept the fact that you should just shut up, do it for the children.

  9. Regolith Says:

    Yup. Lawful gun owners should just accept these little inconveniences that allow police to harass us, that cause our numbers to dwindle due the associated rise in cost of ownership, that further marginalizes us and whittles away at our rights. We should simply accept all these incomprehensible intrusions into our lives so that people like mikeb can sleep better at night, even though it hasn’t made a damn bit of difference.

    Then, lawful computer owners should just accept the inconvenience of registration so their internet use can be monitored. Gotta stop those pedophiles stalking kids online; it’s for the children. It will also help authorities run down dissenters I mean terrorists. It’s a win-win!

    And then we could have all men have their DNA entered into databases. Think of all the rapes that will be solved! And while we’re at it, we might as well log everyone’s book purchases. Can’t have the people thinking for themselves.

    What a great utopia this would be if people would just let the government trample over their rights!

  10. SayUncle Says:

    This is one of the inconveniences LAWFUL gun owners should be willing to accept.

    Absolutely not. Non negotiable. Try it.

  11. Linoge Says:

    This is one of the inconveniences LAWFUL gun owners should be willing to accept.

    So what kind of “inconveniences” should UNlawful gun owners like you be willing to accept?

    By the way, if background checks and registration and whatnot would keep firearms out of criminals’ hands and stop crime, then why does England have criminals using guns still, and a worse violent crime rate than even South Africa?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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