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First post

From the brand new EeePC. So far, I am digging it.

14 Responses to “First post”

  1. Diogenes Says:

    So, what’s your initial impression of the glossy display and gloss black case?

    I’ve coveted an Eee since they were first released(what was it – the 701 back then?). I may just have to buckle to the peer pressure!

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I like it. Like my other PCs gloss screen. And mine is actually white.

  3. mariner Says:

    Does it run Linux?

  4. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    It can, but doesn’t from the factory. It does come with an empty harddrive partition just waiting for another OS though.

    I don’t mind the glossy display on mine unless I’m trying to use it outside. Then it’s nigh unreadable. The glossy parts of the case pick up fingerprints like crazy, but there are several skins and silicon polishes that can fix that. I also rarely hear the fan, but when it kicks on high you can’t miss it.

  5. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Wait, white? They don’t make the P model you linked to in white.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    It’s winders. And it’s the clamshell model. which amazon’s pic is inconsistent with.

  7. breda Says:

    just remember to take the little piece of plastic off the webcam, ok?

  8. Dwight Brown Says:

    mariner: What jeff the baptist said. I have the Ubuntu Netbook Remix installed on my eee 1005HA, and it runs pretty well, with the exception of some wonkiness around the Ethernet and WiFi drivers. I’m hoping the upcoming Ubuntu release will resolve those issues.

    I’ve blogged some about the eeePc/Ubuntu thing on my blog (linked above) but the best information source I’ve found is at

  9. Steve Says:

    Cool. I have the 701. Love it, although the 701 has a tiny keyboard which is to small for blogging.

  10. DirtCrashr Says:

    Ours is white too. I turned-off the webcam, too annoying.

  11. chris Says:

    I got my wife the 1008HA pink model about 2 weeks back, she loves it

  12. Flighterdoc Says:

    I have a couple of netbooks, including the Eee…I use them for digital radio, travel, monitoring the truck while driving, etc.

    When actually trying to type on one, I use a roll-up USB keyboard. Cheap, small and light to pack, and is way better than the regular keyboard for any serious use.

  13. Rabbit Says:

    Aside from dissapointing battery life under 4 hours, I really like this Lenovo S10 I’m using. You can add another 2gb dimm into the empty slot and negate the hard-soldered 512mb preinstalled dimm. Speeds it up dramatically. Doenside is the smallish keyboard,, especially when big hands are on it. sells them cheaper than my EPP does- new returned in box, surplus, refurbed for as low as 211. Runs 320 0n the EPP site, IIRC.


  14. mariner Says:

    I have an Asus netbook, which was sold with the same hardware in two colors: the black ones ran Windows; the white ones ran Linux.

    That’s why I asked.

    On mine I replaced Xandros with eeeBuntu, and it works very well.

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